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Fixed GUI option


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First of all, thank you Stev and the Tip.it crew for making and hosting the Dungeonsweeper; it is fantastic and I can't thank you enough.


I was wondering if you could add an option in the right-click tray icon menu to fix the GUI in place, so it can't be dragged until the option is turned off again. I keep clicking next to my timer button and accidentally dragging the GUI across my screen at the start of the floor. :cry:


Other ways of doing this:

  • Adding a button much like the key and gatestone buttons on the bottom-left of the GUI with a padlock icon on it, which you can click to fix the GUI in place and free by clicking it again.
  • Adding a similar button with a draggy mouse icon like this → cursor_drag_arrow_2.png on it to the bottom-left of the GUI, which you can click-and-hold to move the GUI around(much like you can move a window around in Windows by clicking and holding the title bar).

The reason I'd go for the right-click tray icon menu option is that a button on the GUI could also be missclicked, much like one can missclick the current drag boxes. After all, the drag boxes are essentially buttons.


Also, I really liked the varying degrees of map opalescence on the old GUI, but you already seem to be working on bringing that back(or rather allowing access to :wink: ) that feature.


Thank you in advance!

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I originally planned to have the arrows to click. The reason I decided against it was simple... I couldn't get it to look good. :P. It would be easier to add then the current method it has. I'll look into it. :).



Done both. When me and Xena are awake at the same time, we'll coordinate an upload. :).


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