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95-99 woodcutting with arctic pines before july 13?

Wii Remote

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Hey guys, my name is Wii Remote, and I'm currently going for 99 woodcutting and was wondering if this goal is possible while doing arctic pines for anywhere from 5-8 hours a day, could I get it before july 13? because that's when my membership runs out. thanks :D my woodcutting is 95 now btw, just got 95.

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This should take around 40 hours. Perhaps less if you use urns etc...

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Arctic Pines MAX at 140 k exp/hr so to cover your 4,262,873 exp to go it should take 30-31 hours. Realistically you will lose focus and won't maintain that level of exp/hr so expect closer to 35 hours of woodcutting which at 5 hours a day means you'll get it in a week, at 8 hours a day you'l get it in 5 days.


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