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How can I recover my account?


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(Ok, actually it's my brothers')


So, he fell for the old "I'll dupe your money if you give me your pass" scam a few years ago (I know..) and couldn't log in again afterwards.


We never cared much because I was considering quitting back then (and eventually did). But now I started playing again, and he would like to get his account back.


We couldn't remember the name because it was a combination of letters and numbers but I found out I still have him added as a friend in my main account. So we used that to try to recover it but it won't take the username so I think it might have been created after 2010 and so it asks for the email it was created with in order to be recovered. The thing is, the email he thinks he registered it with is associated with a pure account of his so it's not useful.


Is there any chance to recover this account at all? Any way to email Jagex and provide credit card data or something to proove it was his account indeed?


Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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I would send an email to [email protected]. Explain what happened, when you created the account, last 4 digits of credit card/other info. I wish you the best of luck but you may have to wait several weeks for a reply.

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I would send an email to [email protected]. Explain what happened, when you created the account, last 4 digits of credit card/other info. I wish you the best of luck but you may have to wait several weeks for a reply.


Both times I mailed that email I got replies within 2 days, think I got lucky :D


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The process is much faster now, I've dealt with the account recovery process twice this month and both times I've had replies in less than three days.


As mentioned above, that is your best bet.

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As above is the best bet, I wouldn't hold out much hope for an account left to the mercy of hackers for several years though. It has quite likely been through the mill being sold to RWTers and used as a gold farmer and all sorts. It is likely to be riddled with offences and rolled back stats and all sorts.


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Well I haven't much to loose. It wasn't a great account so my thoughts is that they just took the money and items from it.


What kind of data would they find useful to proove that it was our account? All I can think of is credit card name holder, data of creation and IP.

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The ISP/IP when you created the account, as well as the earliest passwords you can remember would be critical. If in addition you can remember recovery questions, submit that too in case you have had the good fortune that it had never been hacked.


Also, avoid saying "our account" in your email. Use first person, whether it's you or your brother writing the actual email. A human is going to read that email and it could indicate to Jagex that you were sharing the account, which could make them less likely to return it to you for a number of reasons. One would hate to see you unable to get it back due to a misunderstanding like that.

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