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Help with ban appeal


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I got hacked and I guess the person got me banned while my college semester was going on. They won't read my ban appeals or my emails. I apprently heard that getting in touch with JMOD gets your account checked right away and they pretty much tell you if they can fix it or not. How do i get in touch with JMOD. Thanks in advance.



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If you don't have a friend who has contact with a Jmod, you are pretty much out of luck, but you can still try spamming their Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites they use until you manage to draw someone's attention..

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If you used both your appeals you are out of luck. If you still have one i'd suggest you click the option of stating your account got hacked and then explain in detail what happened. You can contact jagex to expedite your appeal, but I would just suggest you wait until they get back to you with the appeal process. If all goes well your account should be reinstated. For future reference, setup jagex account guardian to better protect your account.



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You can log in on the RS website and sent a ticket through the message box.

Alternatively, you can get someone else to send the ticket in your place; I'm not sure if they would pay attention to it if the banned person themselves sent a message.

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