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Runescape Central Seed Exchange


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Standing around today thieving seeds I finally came up with a solution to get rid of all the lousy low level seeds i'm always dropping.








The seed exchange is a place where you take your seeds to trade in for a point value. These points can be used to purchase any other seeds you want. This place wouldn't deal in trees or fruit trees. For the sake of shortening this description i'll limit the seeds listed to just allotment seeds for now. I could see this working for other kinds of seeds as well with some kind of additional modifier.








Anyway, the points each seed is worth would be the farm skill level required to plant them.








Like So:








Potato - 1 point, Onion - 5 points, Cabbage - 7 points, Tomato - 12 points




Sweetcorn - 20 points, Strawberry - 31 points, Watermelon - 47 points








With this system you can turn in a bunch of lower level seeds for a few higher level or vice versa.








I can see where there arguments against this would go however. You might say that 47 potato seeds for 1 watermelon seed is a deal. I've thought of this and here is a modified system to remedy that if needed.








Seeds are based on a tier system. Any seed between 1 and 19 (in the case of allotment seeds potato, cabbage, tomato) would be worth the actual farm skill value. 1 point 5 points 7 points respectively. Any thing from 20 to 29 would be required farm level doubled, 30 to 39 would be tripled and 40 to 49 would be quadrupled.








In that system, points would work like so:








Potato - 1 point, Onion - 5 points, Cabbage - 7 points, tomato - 12 points




Sweetcorn - 40 points




Strawberry - 93 points




Watermelon - 188 points








In this system you might have an abundance of tomato seeds that you don't need anymore. Let's say you have 100








100 x 12 = 1200 points








So you turn in those seeds and now have 1200 points








For 1200 points you could get 6 watermelon seeds and have 72 points left over to save or spend on other seeds.








I think you could probably incorporate bushes, hops and flowers into this system very easiliy. Like I said earlier, trees and fruit trees would not be involved in this system. As for herbs, i'm not sure. Maybe you could trade lower level herb seeds for higher ones based on a similar point scale. I don't really see how you could intermix the other seeds with herbs though unless herb seeds were worth way more points each to balance the fact that you only plant one of them and get a ton of herb leafs.








The secondary function of this seed exchange would allow you to exchange the actual produce for seeds. Something like 2 or 3 watermelons would get you a watermelon seed.

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I like this idea but it would be hard to impliment and its a little ilegal because all they do is trade stolen goods. Ever see a walmart selling counterfit DVDs? Probley not. They could place it in the wild because remember that general store up there says the tax collectors never come there for some reasion. Maby even in the pirate towns.

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