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A day in the Life of Jagex


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A Simple Day At The Jagex Company








As another day begins the sun rises over the top of the jagex building, like a beacon it calls to its employees like a carcass calls to vultures. Slowly the employees begin to arrive, bleary eyed and badly dressed they stumble through the doorway, occasionally snapping at each other if they invaded each others personal spaces. As more employees arrive the car park gets fuller and there is competition for the last few spaces. Engines are revved up and horns are blown in an attempt to intimidate the other driver away from the territory.








Eventually the herd is inside the building and is congregating at the watering hole, known to us as the coffee machine. Occasional grunts and groans are heard amongst the crowd as they attempt to communicate before their brains have received the adequate amount of caffeine. As they each receive their cups of steaming liquid gold they shuffle off to their work spaces, each computer is as individual as the mod that uses it. The chair has become molded to their butt shape from continuous use, the desks are scattered with an assortment of items that help them get through the day, stress balls....sweets...pillows to bang their heads on and discarded coffee cups.








After around 15 minutes the caffeine has worked its way deep into the systems of the staff, their eyes become brighter, they look less like the Neanderthal men of long ago and more like the regular humans of today. Their efforts of communication are more easily understandable by onlookers and they actually look ready to work.








The development team follows the leader of the herd, known to us as Andrew, into the meeting room. Through our hidden cameras and listening devices we can see the meeting as it happens. The mods sit around a long table with Andrew stood up at the head of it pointing at a white board with a stick. On the whiteboard is a crudely drawn picture of a dragon toasting a player with a load of numbers covering the player's body in small stars. Here is an actual recording of the conversation that went on in the room (mods names censored for legal reasons):








Andrew: ok dudes, like this is the update that I want us to come out with yeah? So I tell you what to do and j00 do it or I ban you, ok?




Mod 1: but you can't ban us in real life...




Andrew: quiet j00 frooby! Fear teh 24 hour mute I have now set against you!




Mod 1 (looks down at his feet sadly)




Mod 2: so explain exactly what you want us to create...




Andrew: well see like there is this dragon yeah? and I want him to kill loadsa nooby players that never stop complaining about anything, they will go like hahahaha a dragon I can beat that and then it will all be like roar roar flame flame j00 are dead!




Mod 2: but won't that make the players moan more?




Andrew: yes but at least they have something that's worth moaning about! muahahaha!




Mod 2: ooooook........




Mod 3: so what do you want these dragons to look like?




Andrew: I was thinking like pink dragons with flowers on their heads and they have like 3 nipples, the fire comes out of them.




Mod 3: that doesn't seem to really fit in with the rest of runescape....I mean....fire shooting nipples?




(the rest of the mod team tries not to laugh out loud at the idea)




Andrew: ok ok ok how about theirs like err...metal dragons, like we could totally use them right?




(the mods look at each other and nod their heads approvingly at Andrews first good idea of the year whilst Andrew adds some more blood effects to the picture and randomly writes "noob" and "die!" around the outside)




Andrew: Rights you lot, get to work! don't make me get Mr. whippy out!




(the mods stampede out of the room to their workstations, squeezing through the door two at a time, an occasional punch is thrown or bite taken)








Meanwhile in the customer support centre the mods are reading through the hundreds of queries that jagex receive daily, an occasional outburst of laughter is heard as a particularly noobish query is read and the other mods gather around the screen to join in the fun. A quick glance at the screen reveals 4 options for the queries:




1) give an automated answer




2) give an answer with no relevance to the question




3) give a real answer (only use in emergencies)




4) prevent the user from spamming cs anymore








the [1] keys on the keyboards are all worn down so you can barely see the number, no prizes for guessing which option is chosen most. ;)








As the day continues the mods seem to become restless, there's a sense of anticipation in the air and all eyes dart towards the door as a shadow comes behind the glass....the door opens....and in comes the sandwich trolley! with a squeaky wheel and pushed by a frail old lady it doesn't stand a chance against the rush of employees that all dart towards it at once. The air becomes full of snarls and growls as the sandwiches are fought over, hair is pulled, wedgies are given as they all are trying to get the best fillings. Eventually the crowd disperses from the sandwich trolley to go eat their lunch in private, the trolley is on its side, the sandwich lady is hiding between a water cooler and potted plant in the corner. She quickly darts towards the trolley, sets it straight and rushes out of the door....who coulda guessed someone that old could move that fast!








When lunch is over the office becomes more relaxed, the mods slouch in their chairs, have occasional paper airplane battles and chat amongst themselves. Now we must venture into one of the most mysterious areas of the office....the Quality assurance section.




Here resides the bug testing mods, the ones you curse at after every update because they come out buggy, the ones that LAUGH at your bug report queries, at the strange situations you manage to find yourselves in....yes, these few are the amongst the most sought after for revenge at jagex. they lurk in the shadows, lights dimmed at the desks as they test each up-coming update again and again and again to try and find and repair any bugs that exist. An occasional smashing of a head on a keyboard indicates that a large bug has been found that will set the update back by a significant amount of time. They work alone, trying to avoid eye contact with each, fearing that they will try to find bugs within each others minds, and everyone knows that the minds of the mods are strange objects...and not to be tampered with.








As the sun goes down outside the spirit of the office seems to rise as they anticipate the end of the shift. A few wheelie chair races are performed down the office and plans being made for after work. A buzzer goes indicating the end of the shift, the mods make their way to the exits by the fastest means available to them at the time...running...wheeling to it on chairs, they don't know why they rush...they only know they have to get out as fast as they can.








The car park empties within 3 minutes flat and the next shift of mods start to arrive...bleary eyed again but a bit better dressed than the previous group, they stumble into the office....and so starts the next shift.








Written By: Frizoid

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you had me hooked after the first paragraph but the dialouge kinda through me for a loop. Very good.

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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Its funny true and for all to see...most likely to be true...cept for the bit about andrew muting a mod(where would that laptop come from?)








and JaGeX only have the first 2 options for replies. Banning happens on a different computer.








This explains why there is no real sense of fun in many of the updates its just train train...kill.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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