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Looking for a good online game


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I was wondering if anyone has come across a good online game I could get into. I am bored ALOT at school, during my free periods, and really have nothing to do, so I usually surf the internet in search of fun games. I am getting tired, however, of spending most of time looking, and end up playing only a mildly entertaining, yet forgettable, game. Runescape doesn't work, my school has blocked it somehow (the site works, and it loads, but they blocked its ability to access the server or something, which is odd since many other multiplayer games aren't blocked), and I can't play anything you have to download (such as silkroad or the eve game), and shockwave doesn't work. So, I would appreciate any advice someone could give me.





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runescape! :lol:

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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eve on... oh wait you cant play that? that sucks :D . anyways, a good flash game i always played during school was called "defend your castle." a quick search on google will find it. i completely owned that game, got to like level 80 or something.



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I have actually played Defend your Castle, and dozens of its clones. And in response to Nadril, that site does seem to have alot of good games, I am looking for something a bit meatier, something I can play for several weeks and remain interested in. I played AdventureQuest for a bit, but that got boring really fast. And in response to death666bl00ms, like I said, i can't play runescape, as my school has managed to block it, but anyone with insights on how to get around this block would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for the help, but I have already played that game...I have 90 minutes to kill each school day that I use playing internet games, so I have played the great majority of the common ones, including those at AddictingGames, Crazymonkeygames, armorgames, 1001webgames, hallpass, newgrounds, etc etc.

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Well, one of the greatest games I've found is Ferion, http://www.ferion.com. This tick-based strategic war game is really interesting and quite fun to play, once you get past the fact that it has a 250+ page manual. After reading the manual (you should read it all), you then join the a newbie arena (the equivalent of Tutorial Island) where you can try making all the commands available in the game. But the idea of the game is to conquer as many planets as possible, first by iniatally settling them, and then taking them from other civilazations once the arena gets full. You research new technologies to help you improve your empire, and make better ships. You can form alliances, declare war, make treaties and trade agreements, etc.








Some of the things that I really like about it is the size of the arenas. These arenas are absolutely massive, with 5000 planets to settle, and can last up to 4 weeks. There are also a huge amount of players to an arena, another thing I like. In one arena I just finished, there were about 200 players, each competing to get the most points (which you get by conquering, expanding, etc.) The game is much like Runescape in the sense that it's free initally, but you can choose to buy keys which expands your research capabilities per arena. Also, this game is tick based, which means you can Log on to Ferion at 6:10, put in your commands, then go eat dinner, come back an hour later and see what the progress is. You can do standing orders, so the game will do what you say while you sleep. The administration is a blessing too, very responsive and don't send you auto messages all the time. I actually got a written response from the query I sent!








There aren't many things I don't like about this game, but for some people I can understand why they wouldn't like it. It takes an amount of dedication to really get into the game and get good at it. Also, the community is rather small (a downfall for some, a blessing for others), and there isn't much of a social aspect to the game. But overall, if you enjoy stratigizing and planning your next move to take over civilizations, this is the game for you








Sorry about the uber long review :o

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You gotta register on it, so do it at home first so you can access your email and everything.




Has a ton of games like defend the castle, and chopper, and other stuff.




I have number one highscore in one game, no one will EVER take it away 8)

Runescaper (off and on) since late 2001

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