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Mor3 b4nk sp4c3?

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i wish we had more bank space in p2p AND f2p cuz i got to much good stuff in my bank and i need to sell or drop good items tht could be usefull so i think we should have more room in our banks so then we could store as much as we can. :lol:

\../, ( * . * ) ,\../

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i think this either belongs in rants or runescape suggestions... either way, its been done. to death. and back. the search button is your friend.








we know there there needs to be more bank space. we know that jagex should increase the banks space. as far as i know, they already have the bank space as high as they can for the amount of server space/bandwidth that they have.








also, you should try to manage your bank more succesfully. only keep the essentials in there. dont keep frivolous items in there that you can get at any general store, such as tinderboxes, chisels, buckets, etc. finally, clean it out every once in a while. go through everything and say "do i need this particular item?"

I couldn't care less if he was Andrew Gower himself, I just don't like arrogant smegheads.
*in the voice of the comic book guy from the simpsons* best. quote. EVER! :thumbsup:
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I dont mean to spill oil on the fire but i got a problem- some guy wants to buy cabbage off me for 700gp each(I know, pretty wacked up) so i said ok




yes i know multiple items stack up in your bank but i got 1 problem- according to my bank- i have 2 different types of cabbage! extremily puzzling and everything else is of uber importance, like black g armour, to 700k, to my full rune and way back to all my chef hats- so tell me, is this a glitch?








p.s call me a noob but how do you post pictures :oops:

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:shock: 2 kinds of cabbage?! Never heard of it.
















Back on topic: I ran completely out of room on p2p for all my clothes, and it very much annoyed me. While it is irritating that that when you lose p2p you can't put things in your bank, it's even worse that now you're STUCK with your p2p items unless you want to drop them. When did they change it so that you can't alch your p2p items on f2p? I remember a long time ago I lost p2p and was able to alch my drag weapons and such...now you can't do that.

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