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Isn't beer and alcohol bad for you??


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Wine makes me feel fancy. :o


I like a white zinfandel personally. Or a drop of Glenfiddich is nice to wash down some brie or bleu cheese. :)




Port is better in combination with cheese. The more 'special' cheese that is. :P


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I call for Prohibition to be reinstated so that the weed people are treated fairly.




Uh, that wouldn't fix anything. Weed is illegal, yet it's still VERY easy to get (okay, this is a high schooler's perspective. I go to a semi nice public high school in semi nice suburbs, just to give you the environment). I don't smoke pot, but at school, I could probably get at least 5 names of people to buy from in 15 minutes.




Prohibition being reinstated would only aggrivate the problem. Alcohol would still be obtainable, you'd just have to know where to look. And there will ALWAYS be people who know where to look, no matter what legal or illegal drug you're looking for. This would probably just cause more dangerous drinking habits, and wouldnt help, and might even increase, binge drinking.




Okay peeps, so theres something that's gotta be said about today's society and drug education, i.e. health class. For better or for worse, they're there to INDOCTRINATE you. Your classroom is the arm of the government telling you not to do something that they've dubbed illegal. Of course they're going to paint drug use in the worst light possible! Now, even though I sound like it, I'm not some anti government communist or something, I'm just stating that you've gotta make the connection between WHO is telling you WHAT to believe, and WHY.




Yeah, I'm in high school, and I've drank before. Is it smart? Not really. Is it illegal? Yeah. Is there a lotta trouble you can get into drinking underage (or even legally)? Sure.




I don't really think that people drink to 'be cool' or 'fit in' that much. I've been at parties, and it's not like they'll pressure you to drink. People are people, generally they'll respect your opinions even if they don't agree. There isn't really that infamous 'peer pressure' your D.A.R.E. class or whatever they call the police-administered drug ed around where you are.




I think most people drink to relax and to get away from their problems. I'll talk about myself. When I did drink, it was escapism. That's completely unhealthy and dangerous, but it's a way out, and sometimes you take whatever door out you can. I've got problems. I've got a pretty bad home life, and don't get along with the parents too well. It's a side story, but that's mostly because the things that are important to me don't matter to them, and the things they want to force into being important to me aren't. Anyways, alcohol was an escape. It was a way to forget, for just a night, and have some fun without the worry.




I quit and haven't drank in about 6 months (Okay, I sound like I'm in freaking alcoholics anonymous), but that's why I drank. Everyone has problems, and sometimes they just need a way out.

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