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Cartilage piercing


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is anyone here an earring expert?








Ive had my cartilage pierced for about 6 days now( have 2 on my left ear), and today i had to take it out for about 1-2 hours (not sure, was knocked out by anesthesia) because of surgery. And when I get home, I try to put it back in, but I can only go halfway. I can see the hole from the front. It looks like "crust" built up in the back maybe? Is there a possibilty that its been closed from the back? My earrings have been out for about 9 hours now..please reply ASAP
















it looks like i broke the crust, but i still dont know if the hole is all the way through

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It won't have healed up in that time. It will just be scabbiness that is blocking it, if I were you I'd take a deep breath and shove it through - else it will heal up.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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It won't have healed up in that time. It will just be scabbiness that is blocking it, if I were you I'd take a deep breath and shove it through - else it will heal up.








Take a deeeeeeep breth and make it, or just put the earing and force it to go trough the hole!









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I wouldn't force it through. I'd probably ask your chemist whether you run the risk of getting an infection if you did. My friend has her cartilage pierced, and it formed a huge growth after it got infected - very strange.

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You have a risk of getting an infection whenever you get anything pierced. Seeing as this item is going to be next to the raw flesh as it is, you are unlikely to raise your chances of getting infected unless you tear off more flesh.








The crustiness is completely normal, it's just the hole trying to heal and you need the ring in there to stop it being able to. The most important thing to do is to wash the ring and the hole in sal[bleep]er at least once a day, that is what helps stop infection.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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I didn't know that your ear could close up from a cartilage piercing... but, the only thing I can suggest is wash it with alcohol or peroxide, including the earring, and see if you can get the person who pierced it to tell you what is wrong with it. You might have to have it pierced again.

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Piercings.. gahhh. -.- I don't even have my ear pierced.








If you were me, you'd wrap your ear in scotch tape and hope it healed up.








But you're not me, so DON'T try that.








Call the people who pierced it and ask them what to do.




Or your doctor.




Or your mom.

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google: Cauliflower ear
















http://www.uwec.edu/kin/majors/AT/aidil ... werear.JPG












go to a doctor or SOMEONE.. dont try anything urself.. u can get an infection.




















Im definetly getting it done profesionally, with no gun.

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google: Cauliflower ear
















http://www.uwec.edu/kin/majors/AT/aidil ... werear.JPG












go to a doctor or SOMEONE.. dont try anything urself.. u can get an infection.








You don't get caulliflowe ears from piercings. You get it from constantly pushing the cartilage back, like ufc fighters.

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I'd just let it close and get it pierced again. It's probably closed up by now.








If you just poke it through, just make sure everything's clean, your hands, the earring, and around the piercing. I doubt you'll get an infection, just take care of it.

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