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world baseball classic!


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You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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and i think the US lost against Korea and cheated Japan out of a win. (said he left the bag too early, but clearly he left the same time he caught the ball)








Yea, the US appealed to the 3rd base umpire and the 3rd base umpire ruled in favour of Japan - that should have been it. But Buck Martinez went and argued with the home plate umpire who should not turn over an already appealed call, but he did and ruled in favour of the US.








Would it surprise you to know that the home plate umpire was American?

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and i think the US lost against Korea and cheated Japan out of a win. (said he left the bag too early, but clearly he left the same time he caught the ball)








Yea, the US appealed to the 3rd base umpire and the 3rd base umpire ruled in favour of Japan - that should have been it. But Buck Martinez went and argued with the home plate umpire who should not turn over an already appealed call, but he did and ruled in favour of the US.








Would it surprise you to know that the home plate umpire was American?








Exactly the reason I dislike american baseball lately. The players are losing respect for the game, cheating more, getting bigger egos, and are getting even bigger paychecks. Only games I really care about nowadays are the League champs and the World Series, IF that.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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and i think the US lost against Korea and cheated Japan out of a win. (said he left the bag too early, but clearly he left the same time he caught the ball)








Yea, the US appealed to the 3rd base umpire and the 3rd base umpire ruled in favour of Japan - that should have been it. But Buck Martinez went and argued with the home plate umpire who should not turn over an already appealed call, but he did and ruled in favour of the US.








Would it surprise you to know that the home plate umpire was American?








And he lost his job as a MLB Ump and is now a Minor League ump.








But as for the japanese runner running late. I watched the side by side replay and yes, he didnt leave early. However in realtime which is how the calls go. He did leave the bag early. I could clearly see he left it early in realtime. But thats part of the game, Human error.

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