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Lately most of you have see in or heard of weird and innocent bans.. As my name can be intrepeted inappropriately I may end up getting banned, I'm now 93 cmb 90 fletch 81 range etc.. and have been playing for 6 months.. should i continue playing on this account or just quit, I don't think I can start over :(.

Franky8yomom - Leader of Insomnia

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My RSN is: Franky8yomom(was not meant to be inappropriate)


I talked to a mod about it and she said hopefully in the future they will allow name changes. She said for now just to write Jagex customer support and request a name change. I'm going ahead and starting all over. I heard of people getting combats pretty fast when they know what they are doing lol.

Franky8yomom - Leader of Insomnia

123+ F2P Cmb

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Jagex policy is that if they don't catch the name early on they won't ban you (hense the few high ranked players with names some might find inappropriate).


Not sure how strictly they stick to this, but i doubt they'd ban you at 93 cb.

In a little hilltop village they gambled for my clothes

I bargained for salvation and they gave me a lethal dose

I offered up my innocence, I got repaid with scorn

"Come in'', she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

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