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Mine, all mine.


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I was training by some moss giants and this guy needs food,i had some he could have so i try to give him some but he dies, instead i end up with gadderhammer, 12 law runes, amulet of power, 5285 arrows (iron), 2500 cannon balls, blue berret, 2076 throwing knives (iron), red boots, and red leather chaps.

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Guest Nezikchened

Never actually seen a pic of gadderhammer, care to post a pic of it?


And that's a nice amount of stuff you got there.

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It's good that you've tryed to give him food, instead of other people who'd just let him die to get his stuff. This time you were lucky, but i don't hope it'll happen to anyone, dieing with a lot of stuff is annoying :(.


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I would also like to see a picture of what a gadderhammer is. Congratulations on the items, and you deserve them since you were trying to do good and prevent his death, though it was the trade screen that probably killed him rofl.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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