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crystal bow help


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Yes. you need to pay 900k for the first charge (make sure u charge it and not buying new one - like my first time :? ) but every charge the price will drop untill it will be 150k (if i rember right - didn't charge mine a while now).

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Yes. you need to pay 900k for the first charge (make sure u charge it and not buying new one - like my first time :? ) but every charge the price will drop untill it will be 150k (if i rember right - didn't charge mine a while now).




arg!!!!! i bought mine and dropped the seed.....




Looks like ill have to shell out another 900k :(

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there are 2 elves that sell the bows. the one fromthe quest who gives you your first, and one a little north. the one up north will take your old seed and change it back to a bow. the price will drop each time untill 180k. the elve from the quest will give you a brand new bow for 900k. theprice will not drop with her, and you can sell that bow if you dont use it. at least thats how it worked for me.

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