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    Hoth Base
  1. In obscure locations I'm sure there are spaces that haven't been stepped on. But hey, maybe they have. More interestingly, has any one player ever stepped on every space in RS? I doubt it--although it's a cool idea. I'd read that blog! :)
  2. First off, Jagex has indirectly stated they will not release a "money" skill. However, if you'd like to make another suggestion in the future, please put more effort into your idea. ~Cdub
  3. So..did it hitch a ride with an African tourist? African may just be a species name. It doesn't necessarily mean they only exist in Africa. Chances are it's some other type of centipede, or red-tailed centipedes don't exclusively live in Africa.
  4. Centipedes are segmented, venomous arthropods. That one looks like a Red-Tailed Centipede (may be called Red-Flag or something). I think it's African :| Most centipedes live in tropical climates, but some also exist in temperate climates. And no, centipedes don't have hundreds of legs. They have one set of legs per body segment (theoretically they could have 100+ legs, I suppose.) A bite wouldn't do too much damage. Worst case scenario is it feels like a terrible bee-sting, the area of insertion swells and blackens, and you're left with two black holes ~1cm apart. I don't think that little guy could do that sort of damage, though--as big as he may seem.
  5. To claim the US should "stop whining" about rising gas prices because members of the EU pay twofold the price is ridiculous. Firstly, all members of the EU have equal chance to elect EU members, the same EU members who enacted the COE bills (and the other green-bills) that force up gas prices. Trying to distance yourself from this responsibility is precisely the same as Americans distancing themselves from George W. Bush's War in the Middle East. The EU imports ~90% of its fuel, and ~60% of its gas. I hate to look beyond the acclaimed reason for America's "war on terror", but in the least it has helped temporarily stabilize gas prices in the US. I'm not saying countries like the US should occupy Middle-eastern territories for their resources; it's awful. But to lay constant waste to the name of the US government, and then come around and tell the US to stop whining about gas prices is holding the nation to a terrible double-standard.
  6. This topic would belong in one of the Generals, however there are already topics like this there. ~Cdub
  7. What you've written is factually sound, I'm just going on practicality. Course that's the stuff that makes your teacher mark you down 20 points (unless they know better, which most of the time, they don't). The brain is still a great deal mystery to us, the truth can fall into the grey ( :lol: ) On the bright side it makes for an interesting report. Difficult, but interesting.
  8. Not exactly a bullet-proof explanation but you're onto something. Firstly, dopamine is a neurotransmitic precursor to epinephrine (adrenaline.) Any dose would cause an increase in heart rate--not calm it. Also, I don't know if you have taken AP-Chemistry, or any form of toxicology, but Dopamine is strictly tied to L-DOPA and phenylalanine. Phenylalanine, tryptophan, all of those stimulant amino acids use the same active pathway. The increase of one inhibits the flow of another. A decrease in tryptophan causes an increase in sensibility/depressant sensory glands. From an immediate standpoint, and what you are taught in AP-Biology, your theory is great. But from a realistic standpoint, it just doesn't happen. That would explain the complete lack of uncircumstantial proof in humans. The reason kids can't quit may be additive (and possibly biologic), but it's not the fault of dopamine. Edit- A lot of confusion comes from misconception. Just because playing RuneScape triggers activity in the same part of the brain as coffee or solitaire doesn't mean they are caused by a common stimulus. Just like the "you only use 10% of your brain" theory :)
  9. Glad to see you're enjoying yourself :wink: Even if it does mean you quitting :(
  10. In public school it would be a stretch to punish you for out-of-school activities. Private schools aren't government run institutions, so don't expect any slack. The administration's word is law.
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