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stupid stree spirit!


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LOOOOL? ive died from a tree spirit??? i was woodcutting and i just went downstairs then i come up i was logged out... i logged in and i was dead???? lol lost mystic boots, gloves, hat, sara prayer book, amy of maigc and rune wc axe :S damm lol i just hate that! second time i die this week!! ARRGHHH STUPID RANDOM EVENT!

i havent made a signature of this small format :(

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That's exactly why tree spirits were put into the game: to stop people who aren't actually at their keyboards playing.




Seriously, why can't you just log out when you leave?


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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That's exactly why tree spirits were put into the game: to stop people who aren't actually at their keyboards playing.




Seriously, why can't you just log out when you leave?




lol to stop macro u mean?? i would never consider using macro... and i wouldnt log out because that then ill have to re-enter my bank pin

i havent made a signature of this small format :(

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Hm, my diagnosis: Lazyness.




I perscribe you some "doing some actual work." Take two and call me in the morning.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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seriously, just log out when ur going somewhere... itll save a lot of time and work if u do, even if u do gotta re-enter ur pin GOD FORBID.... leesters once lost full drag and full guthan because he didnt log out in one of his stories.... and if u dont respond to those random events, people think u auto, then u get reported and possibly banned but i think jagex has got to prove that u were autoing first with a detection system.... its all just a big hassle not to log out

This is my original signature. You can't touch this.

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My friend had the same thing, he died from a Tree Spirit while he was away for 2 minutes...




Only, he lost: YELLOW PARTY HAT!!!


I lost my yellow when i went to the moss giants north or ardy. I was going to give 100k to my friend who was training there, but he logged out a min before i got there. I decided to kill a couple and the power in my house wnet out (snow storm) and I guess i died. Maybe it was a random because i think a lvl 83(at the time) could take a couple mossies before auto-logging.


Moral: Leave your rares in teh bank or carry a ring of life! Don't play when it's snowing hard!

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