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Urgent! Ideas needed for 5 Minute Lecturette


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Hi, well in brief I'm going away for a weeks course tomorrow morning and have to do a 5 minute lecturette on anything I wish. Not a problem. But I have been advised to make it humorous and maybe even a tad silly, to keep people interested and get better marks.




The person who advised me of this did his lecturette on




"Lemmings and the fact that they look like fat hamsters but arent actually suicidal"




and got the highest marks for it.




Ive been suggested "Why Rhino's don't have stripes" which is the right sort of angle I went to get at.




Any Ideas before tomorrow morning please?




Thanks in advance. :)

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"A Complete History of the French Military - in Five Minutes"




"How to Peel an Orange"




"What Are Hotdogs Made Of?




"Anatomy of a Cardboard Box"




"The Secret Life of Trashcans"




"How to Construct a House in Five Minutes"




"The Fascinating World of Dental Floss"




Just to name a few...



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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I like the complete history of the French military. It's a nice burn on the French. I'm pretty sure the laughter will last the full five minutes without you having to present more than your title. :wink:




I wouldnt really know what to say for te 5 minutes though lol, cant just say the title and wait. :oops:

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Well, since it is sooooooooooooooooo close after April Fool's Day, perhaps you could find a prank that you find so amazinly funny and ironic:








Most of the stuff in there you can Google to find more info about. They're funny, unbelivable and pretty entertaining. (I read through about 20 of them :oops: )

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