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what controls your luck?


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ive been playing for a little while now and ive noticed that some people are just luckier than others. some people get good drops frequently, some people get randoms constently, and some others including me cant ever seem to get a good drop or get randoms. over the course of the two years ive played i havnt once got a mime, frog, leo the grave digger, or quiz game. yet all the time I see level 20s running around in full mime. over the course of the two years i havnt gotten one drop worth more than 30k(excluding pking :D ). yet i see that level 50 running aroundabout his dragon spear drop from a fire elemental.




i just wanna know what controls how lucky with these kinds of things you are? why can someone go a full 5 years of runescape without one mime(ect.) yet a level 5 could have full zombie. there has to be something to it even if jagex claims these are completely random there just has to be something to it. with the three accounts i have i havnt once got any profitable drops or any of those randoms. is it in the name, the time your account was created, how long it took you to go through toturial island?


give me your ideas.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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the only thing i can think of is ring of wealth, and for random events the best way of getting them is train a skill like combat for a long time, then when you are out of food click on teleport and thats when it comes (how i got 2 mimes, drill demon, quiz, etc.)

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I say i have pretty good luck, i have all of the random event items. I dont use ring of wealth and get some good drops from nech's and such. So i dont no it is all on luck. But someday you will get you share of it.

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Good question...


I don't know what to say. I play for around a year and half and for about a year I didn't got nothing, no drops no randoms no nothing. then I had like 3-4 months of luck (got 5 dragon drops from iron and bronze dragons, got good items in clues, got barrows items) and now again I have 2-3 months with no luck and belive me I am killing everything I see and getting nothing. even in the last 4 lvl 3 clues i had my best thing i got from them was 2 rune legs and 1 rune battle axe and 2 rune longs - from all 4 of them together)


If you will have answer to that question I will be happy to know it...

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I wouldn't say I have horrible luck, but it takes me an abnormally amount of time to receive a good drop from any NPC. Basically, whatever the estimated drop rate of an item is from a certain NPC, it's multiplied by about ten for me.




I think it has something to do with the number of characters in your RS name (Including spaces) or something.

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