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Brand spanking new hard-drive crashes!!!!!!!


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Guys I just got a one of the brand new (for me any ways:P) Western Digital 10kRPM 150Gig hard drive. After about five or six hours of running (installing Windows and stuf like that) I hear a "Click, click, click, wherrrrrrrr....., Phssssserr!" then the Blue Screen of Death pops up and tels me to turn off my computer. That was last night and every time I start up my computer all that will happen is I hear the sound that I discribed above and it will freese up.




What I am asking is what should I do? The guy who I got the HD from will not be back in till this evning and will not beable to help till tomorrow. Should I go to Best Buy and get a 80Gig just so that I can use my new computer or should I wate and send back the bad HD to the manufactuer and wate about three or four days till I can get the computer back up.




Help needed!!!!!!!
















Sorry any spelling mistakes.

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Well if you need to use the computer for work/school, then definitely get one soon. I'd look at SlickDeals or Ben's Bargains for a cheap one -- I've seen a lot of HDs for sale online. :)




I'm sure the guy won't be able to help you (since it sounds like the HD is defective). I'd send it back to the manufacturer.


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I'm sure you can do without a pc for a few days.


Return the HDD and get another one.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Well if you need to use the computer for work/school, then definitely get one soon. I'd look at SlickDeals or Ben's Bargains for a cheap one -- I've seen a lot of HDs for sale online. :)




I'm sure the guy won't be able to help you (since it sounds like the HD is defective). I'd send it back to the manufacturer.




The guy is coming over to day around 1100EST and he is who I got the HD from and he will be sending it back.












I will post what this computer has inside after I get it working.

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