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A few sigs of mine.


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Well, I recently upgraded my OS the other week and lost all my old signatures. But, I have made some new ones.


This be my gallery: (Note these are all for a different forum)




This be: A bottle of deodorant riding a unicorn on a mars-like landscape shouting PUDDING-PIE! With jelly and pies in the background. :P












Yay, basic. I wub Caqtuars.








Meh, basic but I like 'em.




Im not even sure whether I can post this one mush1h.gif...








Edits in:




Bah, i've been meaning to make a golfing signature for awhile now. So, here it is.


Note: I might replace that character. Watch this space ;D




Rate / Flame / Hate / Whatever.




I am tempted to make a sig like my avatar. (Yay catgirls)

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the pie one... scares me









"Let your feelings be like that of a monkey in a pinata, hiding inside with the candy hoping that the kids don't break through with the stick."

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oh! why should i worship you? and i dont want to kill people lol u can read the last one by leaving finger on printscreen then it goes slow



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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Hey Cad!


I gotta say the last one is the best! It makes me want blood... :evil:


So, the cactus one is great, never tought that that kind of border would fit anything, but I see it fits!


And the little guys one, the patter makes it darker, its good and bad at the same time, I dunno, maybe changing more a little bit the opacity will solve, but they are all great! Specialy the last one :lol: ^.^





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Heh, edited in with my newest-most simple sig yet.


darn j00 komodo! :evil:




darn j00 Cadburry :evil:!




Oh I just tought, long time ago, when I was like a child, I watched DIGIMON, :lol: and your catuts remembered me of one Digimon, I cant remember the name, long time ago...





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>_< Maple Story!!!!! It is hard to find a MMORPG game that have such good graphics and music for free. Jagex should be ashame of themselves.




I like the pony....evil pies.the deodorant should able to stink them away.

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Heh, edited in with my newest-most simple sig yet.


darn j00 komodo! :evil:




darn j00 Cadburry :evil:!




Oh I just tought, long time ago, when I was like a child, I watched DIGIMON, :lol: and your catuts remembered me of one Digimon, I cant remember the name, long time ago...








Ha, It truly is a Caqtuar though. o_O


Its a monster from the FF's. Just I spell it with a Q not a C.



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Heh, edited in with my newest-most simple sig yet.


darn j00 komodo! :evil:




darn j00 Cadburry :evil:!




Oh I just tought, long time ago, when I was like a child, I watched DIGIMON, :lol: and your catuts remembered me of one Digimon, I cant remember the name, long time ago...








Ha, It truly is a Caqtuar though. o_O


Its a monster from the FF's. Just I spell it with a Q not a C.




I've never been a huge fan of FF... :(


Caqtuar qith a Q is lot more stylish! :D





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Heh, edited in with my newest-most simple sig yet.


darn j00 komodo! :evil:




darn j00 Cadburry :evil:!




Oh I just tought, long time ago, when I was like a child, I watched DIGIMON, :lol: and your catuts remembered me of one Digimon, I cant remember the name, long time ago...








Ha, It truly is a Caqtuar though. o_O


Its a monster from the FF's. Just I spell it with a Q not a C.




I've never been a huge fan of FF... :(


Caqtuar qith a Q is lot more stylish! :D








And it means I can use it more for games because no one else spells it with a Q ^o^

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Heh, edited in with my newest-most simple sig yet.


darn j00 komodo! :evil:




darn j00 Cadburry :evil:!




Oh I just tought, long time ago, when I was like a child, I watched DIGIMON, :lol: and your catuts remembered me of one Digimon, I cant remember the name, long time ago...








Ha, It truly is a Caqtuar though. o_O


Its a monster from the FF's. Just I spell it with a Q not a C.




I've never been a huge fan of FF... :(


Caqtuar qith a Q is lot more stylish! :D








And it means I can use it more for games because no one else spells it with a Q ^o^


^o^ And it means you can make more sigs with the same name!, Just because no one else spell it with a Q :D





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