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Hill Giants


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Ok I have 2 questions about them:




1 ~ What kind of attack do they use, crush, slash or..... the other one?




2 ~ What do they call the Hill Giant place that's underground on the left hand side of the cooking guild? (It's in the little hut and you need a key to get in)

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Ok I have 2 questions about them:




1 ~ What kind of attack do they use, crush, slash or..... the other one?




2 ~ What do they call the Hill Giant place that's underground on the left hand side of the cooking guild? (It's in the little hut and you need a key to get in)




1: Don't know exact




2: Edgeville dungeon i think



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First, I believe this goes in the Help & Advice forum: http://forum.tip.it/viewforum.php?f=12






1. I asume since they use their fists it would be a crush attack


2. It's the edgeville dungeon, which you can access either from that hut or from the path in edgeville (south of the bank). The key is inside, near the ladder into the hut. Refer to map: http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?p ... ungeon.htm

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Thank you! I was jsut trying to figure out what armour to wear, and what type of weapon to use. And when I talk to my friends about the Edgeville Dungeon, I don't know what to call so they have no clue what I'm talking about! I'm trying to lvl up everything past 50 like you Stry <(?) lol anyway if anyone wants to add me on Runescape, I'd be delighted to talk, so add me my name is catluverof94. :P

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