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Walking out of Falador


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I head to forums selling my new torag platelegs after a successful barrows trip... and they're flooded.




I post my topic, and the next time i refresh (within 10 seconds of posting) my topic is gone.




I click next page, look down... not there. Check forum profile and find my thread... open it. Before bumping it, i was curious and backed out. SIXTH page.




So, with a sigh, I spend 10 minutes getting into world 2.




I get there and sell my platelegs (700k, was too lazy to try for more). Logged off... called it a day.




Well in about 3 hours I came back cause I was having a headache. Sometimes it makes me feel better just to be on Runescape walking around. So i walk around, and all the flashing, autoing, etc make me realize it's world 2. Since I'm not doing anything anyways, I walk out of falador and run around a bit.




There's this level 109 asking a 110 for help, in the party hat section, as well as a level 78 selling red+yellow p hats, and a level 68 selling, quote, "selling blue phat 50k!!!".




I trade the 68, he shows me a sapphire, and tells me it's blue and it's fat.




Already shaking my head, I turn around and walk away... until my "scam" sensor goes ringing off. The 109 is asking the level 110 to bring p hat, dragon chain, and dragon legs to wilderness, and nothing else.




So, seeing a typical scam, I go closer to see what's the reaction.




rich guy : lol




not so rich guy: don't pick up anything or trade anyone




rich guy : and bring full bronze?




not so rich guy: THREE items and don't attack anyone either, use right clicks the whole time!




rich guy : i'm not stupid




not so rich guy: How will you lose p hat if ur not skulled and only 3 items!




rich guy : dude i'm not stupid. You'll smite me and i can't protect item so i'll lose everything when i die.




Now I'm seriously doubting these guys intellegence... while they have a flaming match, each calling each other dumb and thinking of random scams such as trading them sharks or sandwich lady or whatever.




So after the firestorm has ended... I have a little chat with the would be scammer, who explains he's just making a film, which is why he gave all those warnings...




I found it kinda ironic how many people get scammed, and when some poor soul really needs help, it results in firestorms and him being called scammer... I also found it kinda funny how the guy said he wasn't stupid at the same time he told us smite stopped players from keeping their 3 items.




I must do this more often... more fun stories await :)

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i am a huge noob! so far i have made about 400k is all....well the most ive ever had at 1 time was 200k.. and at the time i didnt know about wild.. so this lvl 119 comes over and says hes oging to bring me to a place whree u can buy laws for 100gp each... well we go into the deepest part of the wild u can, and he says attack me once(and on me i have 200k and full rune) so i do(he said i have to so i can get teleported) so after i do he hits a 29 on me! so i try to teleport. he4 put tele block(lvl 99 mage)so i lose 7 months worth of stuff in 5 minutes!

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bones protect over p hats




so 3 items turns into 4 including the bones that is





i am a huge noob! so far i have made about 400k is all....well the most ive ever had at 1 time was 200k.. and at the time i didnt know about wild.. so this lvl 119 comes over and says hes oging to bring me to a place whree u can buy laws for 100gp each... well we go into the deepest part of the wild u can, and he says attack me once(and on me i have 200k and full rune) so i do(he said i have to so i can get teleported) so after i do he hits a 29 on me! so i try to teleport. he4 put tele block(lvl 99 mage)so i lose 7 months worth of stuff in 5 minutes!








umm yep that was just stupid on ur part


and teleblock only requires 85 mage or 81 with pot

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i am a huge noob! so far i have made about 400k is all....well the most ive ever had at 1 time was 200k.. and at the time i didnt know about wild.. so this lvl 119 comes over and says hes oging to bring me to a place whree u can buy laws for 100gp each... well we go into the deepest part of the wild u can, and he says attack me once(and on me i have 200k and full rune) so i do(he said i have to so i can get teleported) so after i do he hits a 29 on me! so i try to teleport. he4 put tele block(lvl 99 mage)so i lose 7 months worth of stuff in 5 minutes!


You're lying. According to your sig you're level 51. For the level 119 to be able to kill you you would have to be in level 68 wilderness, which doesn't exist. :lol: :roll:

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that thing is messed up im 45 mage and 63 combat!


Even so, the highest level of wilderness is 52-53. He still wouldn't be able to attack you.




back on topic..


i agree you should post things like this more (or even make a movie about it likt the one guy.) also, i've been called scammer before when all i was doing was trying to sell limproots for 20gp each. the person was quoting the runehq dont get scammed guide i wasnt scamming at all! i just wanted to sell the limproots to someone who wanted to make str pots! anyways, i logged off, i hope he did not report me. im one of the (few?) honest rs players out there.




so i can comisserate with the one person who wasnt scamming. i guess htere are so many scammers it's our first reaction sometimes to think we will be scammed.




have a nice day! dont get scammed!


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