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Worried about leo the 50% woman EDIT: now with leo picture!


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I was again sitting down with my charcoal and paparus ( i cnt speel! ) and i relized that the drawing i was doing was looking quite hidious... In order to make a woman in a robe look like a woman 50% of it is face and how large the arms are another 50% is the chest... So sue me i'm not trying to be a pervert it's true!... mods i don't mean anything by this i really truely don't this is a question to other artists...




Anyway i was drawing a woman in a black robe... sadly the shadieng for her chest rapidly dissappeard... i was left with a strong faced woman or a soft faced man... but unfortunatly i had no chest on what was sopposed to be a woman...GRRR its not a man i informed my friends but they didn't listen and remarked at my inability to draw a simple uhh well real life friends are kinda crude...




can anyone help me? i liked the drawing i was doing but sadly without the shadeing on the chest im left with leo the 50% woman character who's shadieng hides it... :cry:








Here is leo the chest has been colored over (very badly i might add) in adobe photoshop... however i want you to see that this is how dark i would want the shirt...This is a horrid pictuer as the purpostions are all wrong i mean look at the throwing knife! :shock: but anyway...








i really don't mean anything by this if mods feel it is a wrong question to ask then by all means delete the post but i am posting from a wholey ARTISTIC point of view... still if you feel that it is too suggestive feel free to take it down... :oops:



New sigzor^^

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