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Requesting some artwork


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Well I'm running my own band page on soundclick and I want to have a graphic in my display area on my main page. Tip.It sized pictures will do just fine, here is something of what I'm looking for:




- I want the background to look like a brick wall w/ 'Shad' centered in a fontstyle : Archery Black, which can be download from this site


> http://www.fontfreak.com/index3.htm




On top of the 'S' I want a gold crown embedded with red sparkling jewels ( no animation necesary). Please make the font and wall look like it would be on a street wall with a graffiti touch to it.




And with a couple of your on additional add-ins that you might think would spice things up are great appreciated.




That's it, thanks to anyone who does this for me.

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since we would have to do this for free under new rules you might get further saying "could you" and "please"




rather than just typing out list of orders. I mean even when people paid for stuff they were less abrupt than that.




Try being more friendly like


"I would like a brick wall with the word "Shad" in the middle of it, using the font............if possible




Also I would like the 'S' to have a gold crown with some jewels in it and it might be nice if it looked a bit like graffiti




Anything else you want to add is fine, please could someone make this form me?




And thanks in advanced"


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He asked for some artwork to be done, not for english lessons.




I wasn't giving an englihs lesson. I was just pointing out when you want something done like this for free you are unlike to get far being so abrupt. To be an 'english lesson' as you so sarcastically put it I would of needed to comment on his spelling or grammar, as it happens there is nothing wrong withhis english.




Saying something would do beter not being so abrupt is not an english lesson, its a constructive critism.




And since you seem to like low level insults


"He asked for artwork not for an attemp to insult other posting here"




whihc may I say failed in spectacular fashion due to its untrueness.




Anyway I'm feeling generous I'll see what I can cook up on the art front


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Dude just leave it your pathetic insults are so childish and all your doing is trying to start a flame war that will get this guys thread locked.




Anyway to remain on topic:




The Archery Black font is not on fontfreak at all (tried search after clikcing ur link), but it is on dafont


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Ok heres what I came up with:






and I made a smaller version of it just in case:




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Ok, first i'll respond to the first couple of post. I know of the new rules and the way I came on to this thread was in a formal fashion. There isn't any other way I could go about getting some feedback because all we can do is 'free' now so I don't see anything wrong with the way I asked for some artwork. :wink:




Anyway, that's a good job paw, but I was looking for something a bit more cleaned up, it looks like a bit of a rush job. But at least you've attempted so that's all that really matters.

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you are kinda contradcicting urself




I only appears 'messy' because i gave it the graffiti style effect you asked for




Clean and graffiti don;t really go together


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

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actually Clean and Grafitti do go together..


as in not being to busy..


to much to look at remove all the other text and keep the Shad in there and youll be fine.




I know you mean well Quer, but in my opinion Busy and Clean are two totaly different ball parks


Anyho, heres a less busy version:






Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

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