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Gravedigger? close plz...


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Hi all,




After killing lots of Moss giants, Hill Giants and Hobgoblins (i'm F2P) i get my prayer from 38 till 43...




But not a single Leo the Gravedigger in that 5 levels...




How its possible because some guys got 3 in a hour..:s








a;ready got it

- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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It's called a random event for a reason. I've been playing for a long time, and I've never gotten the evil chicken or a mime -- that's random. Random means that you can spend 3 days straight doing something that people say causes a specific random event to appear, and you get absolutely nothing. Then your friend comes along, and gets the random event you wanted within 10 minutes. That's random. Just because "some guys got 3 in a hour" doesn't mean you will. And how do you know that "these guys" were telling the truth?




It will help if you stop EXPECTING to get a random event when you're working on a specific skill. Think of the skill exp you get instead. You know what they say -- a watched pot never boils.

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It's mainly because it's a "random" event. It comes randomly so you will never know what you get. I haven't gotten the zombie random yet, and some people have got it 8 times already, but i have gotten the frog 8 times... it's all random.




I wish you good luck on getting the gravedigger...

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dont think about getting it just go about training the skill and you'll get it soon and your lucky you actually got 43 pray thats protect from melee you just mght have a good pking career

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Thnx all,


and how i know they speak there not lieing? i know them in reallife




Greetz Colossus110

- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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