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Everything posted by katha610

  1. Unless you're stupid like me and picked a really really tiny college less than 20 minutes away from home >.> Or worse, one of average size except most women are HEAVY smokers or teenage mothers. neither suit me. bahahaaaaa ^^ well just wait till lifes over and youll get all the virgins
  2. ahh.. generalization, always nice ^^ anyway, wait for college. best place to find ppl w/ your interests
  3. im german and no german would talk like that but nice try. you basicly translated english to german word for word wich doesnt always make sense in german :P thank you! und wir deutschen sind nun mal so hm, i dont play regularly anymore but got to know a few germans/swiss/austrian while playing. and only one of them knew about the german servers hui, i missed out on the german forums....
  4. That's definitely not translated through a translator, the grammar is too precise. ehem... no its not, parts of it are complete rubbish
  5. some germans might not have answered because they thought you wouldnt speck german anyway. (take "Sprichst du Deutsch?" or "Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" next time) and a lot dont know about the german servers yet
  6. french would be nice, although i doubt it
  7. close =D> abyss can be translated as HÃÆÃâÃâölle(hell), Abgrund, Schlund demon is DÃÆÃâÃâämon. and HÃÆÃâÃâöllenschlund-DÃÆÃâÃâämonenkopf would simply sound stupid. (thinking of it.. HÃÆÃâÃâöllenschlund-kopf does too :-k ) and hound can be Hund ->goes an writes another email
  8. hmm.. at least everybody spoke german on the closed beta version :-k now that its open its about 3/4 english and pretending and the rest german, dutch and so on
  9. ya great, another one of this pendantic discussions. #-o wait... where was that other thread again? oh nvm
  10. so what, he would not live in the us because of the reasons he gave. true or not. there are a lot of stereotypes in this thread anyway, one more? who cares
  11. i will not say i will not live in any country before ever having lived there...
  12. thank you, how2pk, thank you !
  13. Oh ya, that Dan Brown... he knows his stuff. at least something came out of his books... ^^ and religion mankind
  14. most of them probably cant even help themselves. i bet they are scared and insecure, because they cant hande the situation. someone who always helped them is now in need of help.. real friends try anyway, try to talk to them like despaxes said. keep ypur freinds close and your enemies even closer.
  15. katha610


    whenever i spot an upcoming pimple i use tee tree oil. works fine with me. but if you have them all over your face these arent easy to spot.... go to a dermatologist and ask him/her for advice or any products that may help. edit: peeling and masks... peeling to get skn particles and some dirt of, mask to dry em out
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