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human...are we really the most advaced race on earth?


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Lol, I can't believe people are still seriously arguing this, what is this, the early 1600s? Not trying to sound arrogant or anything but being a 2nd year Biology major and having learned copious amounts of evolution and the lives of lesser chordates I can't even begin to understand how someone can seriously doubt the superiority of humans.




I mean, as stated before, yes we may not have the best natural flying ability, but can birds live 120 years? Can a bird that has good daytime eyesight see anything at night? No, they can't.




If you have 3 organisms, A, B, and C


- A has a spectacular liver, but it can't move or see, and is really stupid.


- B can breathe on land or in water, but that's because its an amoeba.


- C is extraordinarily smart, has a long life span, and unmatched motor skills. (its a human)




Logic tells me C is the most advanced due to it having the best overall features. Yes organism A has a far superior liver, and unlike amoebas humans can't breathe underwater, but overall humans are by far the most advanced. Are you going to tell with a strait face and tell me that amoebas are more advanced than humans because they can live in water? :roll:


This same concept applies to birds, or whomever else you might say is more advanced than us. Yes they may have a slight edge on us in one area out of a millions, but we have them beat on so many morphological characteristics that I can't even begin to explain, the point is overall we are by far more superior.




Actually, heck even if we were only as smart as apes I would still say we are the most advanced. Our brain power is just the icing on the cake in terms of what makes us better then the rest of the animals.

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Lol, I can't believe people are still seriously arguing this, what is this, the early 1600s? Not trying to sound arrogant or anything but being a 2nd year Biology major and having learned copious amounts of evolution and the lives of lesser chordates I can't even begin to understand how someone can seriously doubt the superiority of humans.




I mean, as stated before, yes we may not have the best natural flying ability, but can birds live 120 years? Can a bird that has good daytime eyesight see anything at night? No, they can't.




If you have 3 organisms, A, B, and C


- A has a spectacular liver, but it can't move or see, and is really stupid.


- B can breathe on land or in water, but that's because its an amoeba.


- C is extraordinarily smart, has a long life span, and unmatched motor skills. (its a human)




Logic tells me C is the most advanced due to it having the best overall features. Yes organism A has a far superior liver, and unlike amoebas humans can't breathe underwater, but overall humans are by far the most advanced. Are you going to tell with a strait face and tell me that amoebas are more advanced than humans because they can live in water? :roll:


This same concept applies to birds, or whomever else you might say is more advanced than us. Yes they may have a slight edge on us in one area out of a millions, but we have them beat on so many morphological characteristics that I can't even begin to explain, the point is overall we are by far more superior.




Actually, heck even if we were only as smart as apes I would still say we are the most advanced. Our brain power is just the icing on the cake in terms of what makes us better then the rest of the animals.


well i guess that ends the argument

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unfortunately humans are the least advanced creatures on the planet. whilst every other creature has a natural harmony with it's environment, humans spread across the world and kill everything, using up all available resources until the world will one day run out.




notice how overcrowded the world has become, yet still we strive to live longer and be stronger thru the uses of technology and medicine.




but our uses of technology and medicine have made us weak, and unable to evolve like other animals do. Diseases are becoming widespread because, unlike other animals, we cure the weak and allow them to survive. This means that the weak genes are passed on from human to human.




animals use a process called natural selection, whereby the weak die off and the strong survive, meaning that their species are every evolving and becoming stronger and more superior.




for example, if a human has a disease, we cure it and they live on, but they pass their weakness ot that disease on to their offspring, and the weakness spreads throughout further generations. If that person had died, as natural selection would allow, the weakness would not be passed on, and the following generations would be only those imune to that disease.




Therefore, humans are weak creatures, and if our technology was taken away from us we could not survive. we rely on others to proivide our food, energy, build our houses and work day in day out in a meaningless life trying to earn more money to buy more things that we can't provide for ourselves.




sorry if all that seems a bit philosophical...just my ramblings...

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Guest GhostRanger
unfortunately humans are the least advanced creatures on the planet. whilst every other creature has a natural harmony with it's environment, humans spread across the world and kill everything, using up all available resources until the world will one day run out.




notice how overcrowded the world has become, yet still we strive to live longer and be stronger thru the uses of technology and medicine.




but our uses of technology and medicine have made us weak, and unable to evolve like other animals do. Diseases are becoming widespread because, unlike other animals, we cure the weak and allow them to survive. This means that the weak genes are passed on from human to human.




animals use a process called natural selection, whereby the weak die off and the strong survive, meaning that their species are every evolving and becoming stronger and more superior.




for example, if a human has a disease, we cure it and they live on, but they pass their weakness ot that disease on to their offspring, and the weakness spreads throughout further generations. If that person had died, as natural selection would allow, the weakness would not be passed on, and the following generations would be only those imune to that disease.




Therefore, humans are weak creatures, and if our technology was taken away from us we could not survive. we rely on others to proivide our food, energy, build our houses and work day in day out in a meaningless life trying to earn more money to buy more things that we can't provide for ourselves.




sorry if all that seems a bit philosophical...just my ramblings...




You are confusing the word "weak" and "advanced." You can be more advanced and still be weaker.




1) Natural harmony with the enviroment shows that the animals are less advanced because their brains dont' function at a high enough level to move past their instincts.




2) Technology might have made us weak (although you give a poor argument for it) but the fact that we have technology shows we are more advanced than animals who can't create technology.




3) Show me proof that curing a disease causes us to become weaker down the line. Show me how the fact that me not getting the measles, being able to cure a sinus infection, or being able to properly amputate a limb so it doesn't get infected has caused my generation to become "weak." That's just silly to say that and you give no evidence for it.




4) No, you don't sound philosophical at all.

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guys....well humans are not too sophisticated. we have the best brain, tools, and adaptivity powers, but......we already skrewed ourselves up.




1. Global warming/ freezing~30-100 years


2. Moon spliiting away~500 years


3. Sun gets hotter~might not kill us YET


4. EMP, A-bombs, Nukes, other people, or worst of all, a gaint ball lighting genorator~300 years.


5. diseases/viruses/me~400 years


6. ourselves~ the time is now.


Also, the sun will soon ingulf us, jupitar mgiht turn into a start(unlikly), sound and lazer weaponry will come into space, my theory of time-light warp travel will kill us all (i've worked on it for 4 years, but i'm just a kid. someone published/ownes it now and will sue me if i do anything about it)






so basekly this is a completly true off the top of my head list. go up to your parents and say "mom, dad, your genaration is all gonna die now....."

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