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OoC Egg Siggy!


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No more cabbages but eggs? :lol:




I took some screenshots yesterday as well when my mates and I was a egg form, and we had prayer on. lol.



Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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To be honest I dont like it...








Why do you keep flaming everyone you see?


Trying to get your post-count up?








I really like them!


Its my opinion, and to be honest with you, post count doesnt say anything. just how many posts you made, but if you like to kep yours high go on, I post in what I think its worth posting, you can register today and post 200 posts, so what? all you got is a Spammer. Lots of forums dont even have post count.


If you think that post count is so importanto to you, opens lots of threads and post a lot, non-sense posts.




I'm not flaming... :roll:


It was my opinion, as I can say now another opinion: I dont like it, bt I think its funny.


See? Oh!




rate, hate, whatever! use if you want!







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To be honest I dont like it...








That is not a flame, but it is not a well posted opinion, it would have been much better if it could have included a reason why you didn't like it. Stay on topic, if you got a question to someone other than the topicmaker, PM them.




On topic, maybe add some simple border to make it more sig-like, and possibly a title or OoC's name on it.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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