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********** PRICES ARE TO HIGH **********


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I have to say, i think many people will agree with me, prices for both p2p and f2p items are to high. I know people who can use dragon, or crystal, but because of their finantial issues they're stuck wearing addy, or even mith. Now, don't get me wrong, addy is fine (I use it) but its not comparisen to dragon, or barrows. Granite mauls should cost 80-85k, not 100k. Obby capes, 240-270k. And party hats, 1-1.5mil.




Jagex doesn't really set/make the prices; we do, and we can change them. If we get enough people to agree, we can start to drop prices. We can give people the ability to wear what they can, not only what they can afford.




Hope you like this idea, and thanks for reading my thread.



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However you neglect to mention how you're drastic price drops would kill RS economy.. get over it, prices are caused by supply and demand..




Phats for example


Low Stock


High Demand = High Price








High Stock


Little Demand = Low Price








Moderate Stock


Moderate Demand = Steady Price

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Its basically supply and demand, im not sure on the party hat prices now, since I been gone from the game for a very long time, but if the hat prices dropped that low than everyone would buy as many as they could, then start selling them high again, since theres only a small number left.




Im sure you can pick up a granite maul for 80k easily if the prices for them are around 100k.

Retired from runescape

(Banned for bug abusing)

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probably belongs in the rant forum...u can't suggest to lower prices...not much u can do, those are the prices, thats wat they are, not gonna chance due to a few peoples rants, gonna change based on suply and demand.

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Um... right. A 80 million gp drop minimum on the least expensive party hat. Since when were any of the items you listed necessary anyway? I know hundreds of people who have survived without Granite Mauls, Obsidian Capes, and Party Hats, and they're still perfectly fine! I myself have never owned any, except when I was given a Maul as a gift, and I'm still sane too! Prices are fine how they are, just work for things...


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SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

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I have to say, i think many people will agree with me, prices for both p2p and f2p items are to high. I know people who can use dragon, or crystal, but because of their finantial issues they're stuck wearing addy, or even mith. Now, don't get me wrong, addy is fine (I use it) but its not comparisen to dragon, or barrows. Granite mauls should cost 80-85k, not 100k. Obby capes, 240-270k. And party hats, 1-1.5mil.




Jagex doesn't really set/make the prices; we do, and we can change them. If we get enough people to agree, we can start to drop prices. We can give people the ability to wear what they can, not only what they can afford.




Hope you like this idea, and thanks for reading my thread.






BTW Party Hats...there 30M-200M depending on color..

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quit whinging and start levelling, how do you think everyone gets these items, by working hard, now get mining you slacker




What he said. To me, all prices are fine, and I can't afford a set of Guthans. Do I complain? No.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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In runescape, its noobenomics that affects the prices of discontinued items. Merchants and rare hoarders. Hell I bought my green for 30, it's now 100, if I sold it now i'd make 60m for doing nothing, so I refuse to sell it because I consider it basicly cheating.

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i hate to say this but the people who control the economy are the cheaters and scammers. why?




cheaters can auto 24/7 and make get tons of a certain item, they sell it for cheap or high because they can get more faster then legit players.




scammers that run scam sites are crazy rich, and since they steal from rich people and poor people alike, there is no such thing as "rich players" and "poor players"




hope that makes sense...ill elaborate if it doesnt.

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