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i have done something i thought that i would never do (long)


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i brought a rare item. until it happened quite by accident




i was standing in the cave next to the perfect gold mine when i notive




"take bones/ 4 more options"




my lucky day. so i read the clue and am off like a shot to the ship yard on karamajar too meet the 1st of i was sure many wizards, i dispatch the wizard without prolem and dig anew, leaving the G.L.O office in favor of a taller race.




I walk the path into the elven lands and dig amounst some red spider and the wizarrd number 2 shows up who for no reson i named charlie, charlie did quickly and as i was on low detail quitetly too. again i dug anew and again i got a new clue. so glory be to edge in a second.




from the bank get monks robes and prepair fr the long run to th ewest side of the lava maze and the leesser demon pen, this section of my story was breif i went in i came out with yet another clue.




my head was feeling full of mush as a search for something that must be full of railings and theni find myself amoung another humanoid race and again a short one, i look in th ecreates and low and behold another scroll is in my possesion. so glory to al karhid and the shanty pass.




on a magic carpet i awayed to the bebien camp above the bandets to abn oasis in the desert, i felt my journy nere it's end and i dug it. up come the wizard 4 and swiftly down goes wizard 4 at my feet. once more i dig and to my suprise there was no clue in the caket just:








so away to fally world to to sell my prize, i look at the item price guide and see robin hood hat: 2.7mill - 3.1 mill. So there i stand shouting (well making text appear above my head) selling robin 3.5




the 1st offer 500k + 10300 law runes, thank good i can't read and thought they were offering only 1k laws :oops:




2nd offer 100k and an easter egg, quick price check 3.3 to 4 mill i hit except look again at the second screen and the egg is still in the basket. hit ccept again and then for the 1st time something i had not thought posaable 40 seconds before i was the owner of a rare item.




i thank you all for reading and would like to exstend a heart felt thank youto all those who have contributed information to the many guides that made this possable




p.s, all non-wildy wizzards were sera, yay!




p.p.s. don't make comments regarding my drop list in sig, i know i have had luck before




p.p.p.s. plz excuse any niaveaty i have about rare items.




p.p.p.p.s. i can't thinkof anything to write for p.p.p.p.p.s.

Barrows drops to date: ahrim's skirt, hood and top x 5. Dharoks legs top x 2 and helm. Guthan's legs and plate. torags plate x 2. verc's flail skirt brassard x 2. karil's x bow coif and top


1st d drop 03/03/06 d med in barrows

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wicked clue but i hate the sara wizards. i actually prefer the zammy wizards lolz. but anyway my best clue was when i got a black cavalier a zammy body and a gilded helm in 1 clue. i was in such shock i nearly went into cardiac arrest :shock:

Always Selling Death Runes


RSN:Zepher xxx


Contact to place your order and you will have them within 3 days maximum depending on how many orders I have.

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