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Can someone make me a sig-Question, Jitouz


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It's not a pixel sig, it's more like a, umm, I dunno what you call it, a grunge or something? Kinda like the sig I have, that's what it's called I think, anyway, here's the info for the sig.


Here's the image I would like *minus clouds of course-hehe I'm too lazy to crop lol* http://www.planetzot.com/images/trigun/ ... gun_15.jpg


For the background misty-light blue like this but like brush styled or whatever, I think you all will know what I mean, lol, it's hard for me to explain it:mistycolour5ny.png


And for the font: http://www.dafont.com/schneller.font?text=Vash


And have it say: "Vash" as in the sample it shows :wink:


Size: Tip.It size x Tip.It kb (300x150x30kb)


Thanks if you do and of course I'll give you recognition for the sig. :wink:

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First try








Gonna have my breakfast first before trying out what can I do in my second try. :oops:






Second try








I'm a nub. :oops:


You can use both version if you want. :wink:



Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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Omg! Those are waay better than what I was thinking! The first one I like best because I like that it shows the colour on Vash. I'm thinking of making it a competition and giving the winner a pixel of their choice, of course you would be able to request it with whatever you want. :wink:

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Omg! Those are waay better than what I was thinking! The first one I like best because I like that it shows the colour on Vash. I'm thinking of making it a competition and giving the winner a pixel of their choice, of course you would be able to request it with whatever you want. :wink:




I like that idea, sig for sig... but one thing.. Which one of those characters form the cloud pic do you prefer (i can't be bothered to crop it :P.. ill just find another imnage of him/her)

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I like that idea, sig for sig... but one thing.. Which one of those characters form the cloud pic do you prefer (i can't be bothered to crop it :P.. ill just find another imnage of him/her)


There's only one character in that picture. Vash, from Trigun. I want him to be looking off in a distant stare like in the cloud picture.

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Erm, so I take it you like it? :P




Some animation to go along. You can have all for all I care... :P







Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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I guess your the winner Jitouz lol..Can you post the code for the one with animation in it? And I guess I owe you a pixeled thingy-what kinda things do you want in it?

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Sig rotator is http://www.uzzisoft.net/, everytime when you refresh a page, the sig will be another one which you added into the script (the scripts allows multiple sigs add in).




With animation:






No animation:






Second version:






Omg I can really request a pixel sig? Lol.



Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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Omg I can reallly request a pixel sig? Lol.


Yup, just PM me the information.


Also how do you work that sig rotator thing, it sounds pretty cool and I'd be able to rotate between yours and Alduron's.

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^ He answered it, if you still don't understand, just post. Glad to help.




Oh ok, shall PM you once I got the idea going. lol.



Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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