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Cross-Hatch Text Effect Tut. (56k Beware?)


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Whee, its me again :D. But this time im bringing you the "Cross-Hatch Text Effect". All technical terms will be in italic ;).


Its very simple, ill now explain; (Using PS7)




1. Set up a New Canvas (Ctrl+N) and set the size to anything really. Ill be using 300x100.






2. Type in some Text (T), the blockier - the better. And then put it into a dark colour, the darker it is the darker the final outcome is (Not black). Then add a stroke around it using the Layer Properties (Right-Click / Double-Click the layer)






3. Duplicate the Text and put the duplicate to the lowest Layer and make the top Layer invisible by either setting the Opacity to 0 or clicking the eye next to it.






4. Select the bottom Layer and goto Filter -> Pixelate -> Mosaic. Set the Cell Size to anything around 10~20 depending on the size of your Text and click OK.






5. Then goto Filter -> Sharpen -> Sharpen and do that around 5 times until it becomes clear. (Looks like a good mosaic effect now doesn't it?)






6. Then make your other Text Layer visible. (You may already be happy with this effect, if so you may stop now :))






7. While you have the Text Layer selected use the Magic Wand Tool to select all around it. Then select the other Layer and hit delete.








8. Set the Blending Mode of the Text Later to Soft Light.










Well, there you have it. I've never found an appropriate signature to use this in :? but if anyone does, be sure to tell me ;).


Rate me pl0x.

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56k beware? :roll:




Nice job cad, i love tuts :wink:


though, i love the pic at step 6 more then the final result...


(theres no acounting for tastes :) )




56k beware because there were a few pics ;).


And yes I am aware people will like that mosaic background effect, thats why I added my little note there :).


I may do a little tut on how to blend renders well next. :mrgreen:

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56k beware? :roll:




Nice job cad, i love tuts :wink:


though, i love the pic at step 6 more then the final result...


(theres no acounting for tastes :) )




56k beware because there were a few pics ;).


And yes I am aware people will like that mosaic background effect, thats why I added my little note there :).


I may do a little tut on how to blend renders well next. :mrgreen:




good, keep up the good w :o rk :wink:



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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