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Group pms

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Have you even noticed how annoting it is when you have a group of firends, but you have to pm them individually? I think there should be "lists", to which you can add diferent people, and pm them all at once. There would be 2 new buttons on the friends list, "Add List" and "Delete List". When you create a list, you will choose a name for it. When you right click on a list, you will see the options "Add to List", "Remove from list", and "Rename list", along with the normal options. That way, you can talk to multiple people at the same time. What do you think?








1. Silverchipmunk (Goldchipmunk)









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I've always wondered why there weren't any chat channels like there is in other MMORPGs. That might be workable.




Group pms, however, I think, would be a bad idea, even if they were limited to the existing friends lists. Can you imagine how badly pmods, top players, and some others would get spammed?

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just needs some re-tooling, when you have a message you could click "send to x" option allowing you to highlight names of people you want to send it to.

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just needs some re-tooling, when you have a message you could click "send to x" option allowing you to highlight names of people you want to send it to.




I agree with that ,good concept, lots of work to do though....



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i dont think this will work like different channels, because somebody on your list may have a list almost identical to your's, but not exact. it could cause a lot of confusion when you send a message to someone who replies, but not everybody on YOUR list will receive the message that HE sent. my explanation is confusing, but it should make sense

R.I.P. Shiva

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I've always wondered why there weren't any chat channels like there is in other MMORPGs. That might be workable.




Group pms, however, I think, would be a bad idea, even if they were limited to the existing friends lists. Can you imagine how badly pmods, top players, and some others would get spammed?




which is why most people keep private chat on friends






i guess its an ok idea, but how many times would it be really usefull other than saying hello and goodbye

[omg] who cares if its nerfed or fixed....

you people will argue over the color of a green apple if it was a topic on this fourm god.

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