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Black mark for flooding?


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Hi Maximus,

You have been caught being flooding/spamming the chat window with text in game.

Please refer to article number 1 in the rules:

Rule 1: You must not use any language which may be considered by others to be offensive, racist or obscene. This behaviour will NOT be tolerated in RuneScape.

This 'spamming' is not fair on other players that are trying to communicate and trade with each other.

If you achieved this by using an auto-typer, we strongly recommend you do not use auto-typers or for that matter any other external add-on programs, because a huge number contain trojans, key loggers, viruses or spyware. Whether they are actually allowed or not is rather beside the point because when you account gets hacked as a result of trying one, it will be as good as banned anyway. So please just DONT use them.

Our report abuse system means there is no chance of your getting away with breaking the rules anymore.

Please make sure you have read the rules on conduct found in the RuneScape Manual at: http://www.runescape.com

These rules are being strictly enforced and must not be broken.

A 'black-mark' has been added against your account. Any further incidents of you breaking the rules WILL result in a ban.


RuneScape Customer Support






Ouch, this is from a while back... march 10th.




My question is: Do black marks ever go away? Or am i marked for lyfe?






And i wasnt using any macroes are auto texters....

Long since retired.

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nope, they stay :(




Strange, never heard of action being taken against spam in RS. That letter doesn't look very jagex-like or official either (spelling mistakes, no "do not show this message to anyone" at the bottom, saying that autoing is besides the point etc.), or was that from memory?


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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