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My VERY first two pixels


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I'm not very good at pixels if you think it stinks majorly. I am going to start making the rest (will hev me alching with chickens running around lol).


Please rate out of 10.


Please say what you like and don't like about it.


And also any other comment about it.


Thanks for taking your time to look at my very first pixels.








Here's my second one ever made for a friend by request:





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This is gonna be harsh so buckle up. :?




1.5/10 Bad quality, not to good, and 2nd one is really cheapo... back in old days you couldn't get 10k for it... your rune is to dark, I dunno, I guess I like the edge desk, very bland though. Sorry...



My Farewell thread. Please post nicely, or die. :^_^:

Yea, I'd vote for him too. But I don't think they let Iraqis vote :P
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for a first they dont look too bad, at least they were saved in a decent file type.




in the first one some of the perspective it messed up. eg on the floor tiles on the right, they degin to slant out like they should but at the end the slant is more vertical, which totaly messed up the perseption. the top of the deposite box is messed up as well, it should be further away aka higher on the image. i couldnt help noticing that the notice boards were copied, if you have to copy (i suggest not to) then edit it abit, such as papers on different parts and the writing in different places. other than that just needs texturing and shading. shade the scales, and if your able to try diffsion. i strongly suggest doing a texture on the grass outside, it looks so plain and ugly, and it doesnt have to be to complex, just dont make it messy. remember simple can be alot better (and easier)




on to the second one now. the floor, again, looks to plain, and texturing, and maybe some rocks, bits of tree, trees, weapons etc. is that armpour mith or rune, mith is more purple and rune is a sky blue. would i be correct in guessing that the dragon is traced? because thats what it looks like. again, that needs better shading, if you can think of it as a 3d shape, a static one for the time being, and think of how light comming from different difections bounces off it, and where the shadows fall. this could be said for all of it, or anyones work really where the shading doesnt match. and when you do shade find a light source. where its off picture (eg. the sun) or inpicture (eg. candle) and work around that. it is possable to have more that one light source, but i dont suggest you try that untill you improve abit.




hope ive been useful,




100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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The first one is pretty good. There are minor changes needed to be made in the perspective but otherwise, the linework is good. What you need work on is the shading. It looks like you tried some shading on the top of the deposit box but it's crude and ineffective. you not only need shading to change the colors of lined in areas, you also need shading within lined in areas.




A good way to shade is choose a place for the light source (I like drawing in a lightbulb there). Then shade everything as though light is coming from that source. Things like cloth and unpolished stone will have a gradual gradient of color from light to dark. Metal will have a light section then go to darker to make a more drastic "reflection". Mirrors or mirrored surfaces will have an extremely bright area surrounded by darker to normal colored areas.




Hope this helps and good luck with your first sig!



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would i be correct in guessing that the dragon is traced?



There you would be wrong. I thought I did really good with the dragon, I may go back and change it up a bit like you all suggested and maybe add some hides or bones or something.




A good way to shade is choose a place for the light source (I like drawing in a lightbulb there)



I will have to try that, sounds like it could really help.

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6/10 for both.






For the first:


  • [*:2xv2gs6y]Everything seems to be flat colours so use two colours in each block where you have used one, and four colours where you have used two.
    [*:2xv2gs6y]I like the flames so maybe add another 3 pixels to the top?
    [*:2xv2gs6y]The straight lines take over the pictur too much so instead just make the outlines (the ends of the walls or the place where all the patchy bits are) and work on each brick or tile individually and stay away from plastic rectangles.
    [*:2xv2gs6y]The shading on what I think is the deposit box is done well but don't use the lines in the top bit, the colours are deffined enough to show the shape, maybe dither the colours into each other? (dithering is like blending them into each other, there's a few good tutorials around that show good dithering and bad dithering you should check them out)
    [*:2xv2gs6y]One of the sides of the bank table should show (so move one of the back corners outwards a bit too).
    [*:2xv2gs6y]The grass outside needs small individual grass leaves in a lighter green shade in every 7 by 7 pixels section but change the pattern of grass in each bit and maybe repeat it like 150 pixels away. Just make sure each section you can see where the grass is and that the darker green is flat grass.
    [*:2xv2gs6y]For the scales you need the stalk (middle vertical bit) to go down further and have a bottom that joins onto the base. Also the dishes need to be deepened (use opposite shading to what you've done with the deposit box without the lines and dithered.
    [*:2xv2gs6y]I like the added detail with the notice board but you should add little cracks in the glass from damage maybe?
    [*:2xv2gs6y]Also the bricks need to have damage done with a darker version of there colour and lighter colour to highlight the side away from the light source.


For the second I'll edit this in like 10 mins maybe.


Edit~Maybe a few hours actually.


Seconds edit~Well it's been 3 days so I don't think I will :lol:

put him in jail


Then i'll just wait for him to drop the e-soap

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