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Forced "autoing"...


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Don't know if anyone else has discovered this but, I am in Mort'ton slaying shades. I am the only player here and I just walk in and I don't have to even click to attack. I'm constantly be barraged by shades and afflicted that it is forcing me to "auto". Hmm....




*Note: I am having to keep an eye on my health though... every now and then one of the buggers hit me.

(now some1 quote me and add me to ur sig)
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Errm you're not even close to autoing. Autoing is having a program play the game for you. Autoing would involve some actual clicking, and a 3rd-party program, and you have neither. It sounds more like you're afking.

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That IS AFK but not autoing.




I AFK train at level 45 wilderness on ice warriors. Free exp while you brose tip.it forums, and you're completely safe because there's no PKers, if there are they get attacked by ice warriors.



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