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best dueler


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Depends what your duelling:




Blood barraging, High HP, High defence atleast 92 Mage




DDS/Whip Staking High att and strength lowish defence.




Boxing/Torags High att and def low str




Veracs staking- never done this one, I'll hazard a guess at equal stats being good.

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There is many different styles of dueling and for each a different stat structure is useful, i myself have 6 stakers.


For the smartarse who said "99 all stats" Good luck ever finding some one to stake.


My advice would be go to, 82 att 91-96 str and 40-55 def, stake specs on no movement and use dds and whip, stats arround this range generally do well with my fave stats being 82 92 45, prayer from 1-43 is fine, with 1 being optimal.


When the match begins click on your opponant as soon as the count down hits 1, this assures you of first hit most of the time, also have your dds spec before you enter the match, and spec till you run out then switch to whip.


If your missing a lot with the whip on accurate switch to controlled style this can help in some instances.




Box staking:


High attack and str are important here but not too much above your def, stats like 85 85 70 ussually work well, though my lvl 77 has 72 60 70 melee stats and does great.


Best way to do box stakes is to invest in a fury amulet and box people arround the same lvl as your own ammy on armour off, i always box on defensive.




Armour on stakes, best to have prayer at 1, and melee stats with as high att and def and low str as possible, if you want to get into the big money stats like 85 75 85 with 1 prayer would be best.


If your more inclined towards lower stakes like 300k-2m then get arround 70+ 50-60 70+ stats.




As for mage, a good zammy staffer can be an amazing staker if your opponant cant blood barrage.




Otherwise just get 92 mage and 70+ def and blood barrage, try to make sure your opponant doesnt have a lot more def or mage then you.

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Look at all the best duelers...iodio...cursed you....h a 12 d....merak (forgot his name)...




Theyre all straight 99's, or close too it :)




But if youre gonna start a new account, pretty much any stats are good, as long as you have 1 prayer (or 11 for desert treasure)

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Look at all the best duelers...iodio...cursed you....h a 12 d....merak (forgot his name)...




Theyre all straight 99's, or close too it :)




But if youre gonna start a new account, pretty much any stats are good, as long as you have 1 prayer (or 11 for desert treasure)


They arnt the best duelers, they only fight each other and pass there cash arround to each other, they also have to have insane luck becouse at that lvl skill has nothing to do with it.


Having a lot of riches to throw arround doesnt make you a good staker, people like danqer who start with a ring of wealth and make 27m that night and 280m the next day are good stakers.

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Look at all the best duelers...iodio...cursed you....h a 12 d....merak (forgot his name)...




Theyre all straight 99's, or close too it :)




But if youre gonna start a new account, pretty much any stats are good, as long as you have 1 prayer (or 11 for desert treasure)


They arnt the best duelers, they only fight each other and pass there cash arround to each other, they also have to have insane luck becouse at that lvl skill has nothing to do with it.


Having a lot of riches to throw arround doesnt make you a good staker, people like danqer who start with a ring of wealth and make 27m that night and 280m the next day are good stakers.




yea true. But what i was trying to say was that stats arent everything for dueling. Ofcourse good stats are an advantage, there is alot of luck and skill involved.

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