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Bronze,Iron,Steel ?


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Good day.




I'm asking experienced rangers which type of arrows is best to train with to increase range (from what I've heard its either bronze,iron or steel). Also if you could state the reason why you've chose the corresponding arrow type.


IM F2P btw. Sorry for not mentioning before.




Thanks in advance.

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I say iron, little cheap, but not sure about the exp. Steel is the best if you want to get them back, but does same damage as iron (in my experience)

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Be flexible (unless you are a fletching member).




If the lower arrows are stock depleted, Steel may be cheaper than Iron.




Higher arrows are supposed to do sligtly more damage (though the max is only about 1 difference per level of arrow at most) and have a better re-use rate.




Bronze arrows go down rather quickly, the losses of them on each kill are significant.

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The maximum hit for F2P arrows is about


(round down)




Bronze = (Range + 14)/9


Iron = (Range + 15)/9


Steel = (Range + 14)/8


Mith = (Range + 13.5)/7.5


Addy = (Range + 16)/7




If you don't want to compute stuff then, look here,


to see the approximate maximum hit by arrow type and Range level.




I usually find that the more expensive arrows don't really hit that


much harder so, IMHO, I don't really think that they are worth the cost.




I biggest thing that you can do to help your ranging is to pick up your arrows.


If you pick up 75% of them then you can get 4 times as many shots out of them.




My last 7000 arrows used were Bronze against Lesser demons.


But that was mainly because I had about 10,000 saved from Pirate drops :D




Hope this helps.

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