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Quest:Rimmington's Secret

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Preface: I got this idea when i stumbled upon Rimmington, i forgot about and i got an idea for this




Rimmington's Secret


Difficulty: Hard


Members Only?


Requriments:Must have complete Legends Quest


Must have at least 50 Crafting, Woodcut and Firemaking


Must Be Able to kill 3 level 200 Monsters, one with combat,one with ranged, onn with magic


Must be able to kill a Level 303 Monster






Part1: An Unfolding Mystery


You speak to Marlin inside a house in Rimmimgton




Marlin: Could you help me? Last night i heard a terrible crash outside in the courtyard and now there is a strange statue there. I feel an evil presence eminating from it.


You: I will see what i can do.




Examine Statue: It is a normal statue, at the bottom is inscribed:"Eysitece Ifegfe De Mofirifa"


You go to Reldo, the varrock libarian,you show him the inscription


Reldo: Hmm, very intresting. That was an old occult saying


Meaning: :"The Darkness Is Eternal"


Reldo: Where did you find this?


*You tell him where you found it*


Reldo: Really... try chanting it infront of the statue.


You chant Eysitece Ifegfe De Mofirifa to the state, nothing happens


You: The Darkness is Eternal


The Statue glows red and shakes violently




A bolt of energy strike you, you faint.




Part 2: Journey Into The Deep


You awaken in Marlin's home, she is very afriad


Marlin: Oh great hero what have you done! The statue! you must help us!!


You go outside to see the statue is moved, revaling a hole emmiting a rancid smell.


You: I must go in there


You enter into a large cave, there are evil monster everywhere, it is dark but you can see as if its sunny. In side there are obstacles requiring craft,woodcut and firemaking


*Journey into the end of the cave to reach a portal inside is a strange land.


City: Dentiton(Small town with a fishing spot and a range, bank)


At the end is another portal.




Part 3: Xantis


You are in a large room with a door, there is large indent on it.


Mysterious Voice: What is your buisness here!


You: To find out what is going on!


(A level 650 entity appears)


Xantis: I am Xantis leader of the Menoses Cult. Feel my wraith!


(Xantis dissapers, a gruesome 3 parted monster apears, and splits into 3 pieces, two dissaper)


Ranos: Level 200 Examine: Can only take damage from magic!


Drops: Bones Celtic Piece 1


Panos: Level 200 Examine: Can only take damage from ranged!


Drops: Bones, Celtic Piece 2


Kanos: Level 200 Examine: Can only take damage from melee!


Drops: 5,000 Gold, Bones, Celtic Pieces 3


(You combine the pieces and put them into the wall, you are teleported to Dentiton)




Part 4: The Gate-Keeper:


There is a new portal in Dentiton, you go through it to land in a new dungon, same properties as the first. At the end there is a magnificent gate and the Gate-Keeper


Gate-Keeper: Level 303 Examine: Guardian of the gate


Drops: Celtic Key, Guardian Bones (300Prayer exp) and Celtic Boots (+15 to all offensive and defensive bonuses)


A large portal sucks you in, you land next to the statue, back over the entrance.


Marlin: Great hero! thank you, you have saved us for now, but my brother Xantis and his minons keep getting stronger! I will try to figure out this key so you can defeat him.




To Be Continued...




Celtic Boots


5000 Ranged, Attack, and Magic Exp


Ability to access the Celtic Passages by moving the statue


Ability to access Part 2 of the quest




Thanks All! Comments Please!


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ya the dungon are quite long im just a little lazy to type it all.


Coming Soon!


Rimmingtons Secret Part 2 Journey of the Hero: Featuring Some of the highest requirements and biggest dungon yet! Also a level 500 Boss!


Rimmingtons Secret Part 3 Xantis's Lair: Featuring by far the most powerful boss and most epic battle ever!


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a few things.


why would u need 50 crafting and wc if they're both requirements for wc. And it seems you just made a whole new god storyline and plot...can't we build off another :? ? And the darkness is eternal line? a little unoriginal, try to think of something different i'd say :wink: Needs to be a lot longer if you say how hard it really is....if you were to do it like you say, would take about a hour. Celtic Boots are too strong...stronger than barrows gloves and they cost 130k :? So make it more longer if you say how difficult it is, I thnk also with your next quests in the series, you making everything to strong and dramtic. Srry for all these comments, but just saying wat i think :oops:

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a few things.


why would u need 50 crafting and wc if they're both requirements for wc. And it seems you just made a whole new god storyline and plot...can't we build off another :? ? And the darkness is eternal line? a little unoriginal, try to think of something different i'd say :wink: Needs to be a lot longer if you say how hard it really is....if you were to do it like you say, would take about a hour. Celtic Boots are too strong...stronger than barrows gloves and they cost 130k :? So make it more longer if you say how difficult it is, I thnk also with your next quests in the series, you making everything to strong and dramtic. Srry for all these comments, but just saying wat i think :oops:




1. They are needed in the dungon


2. Its not a god storyline, its about a cult.


3. Didnt know about barrows boots.


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