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The tip.it community RANDOM SIG SCRIPT project(Read all!!)


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Welcome to The tip.it community Random Sig Script project.




This was created at:


 7:10(aest) 26th of april 2006.


Come on, we all know that ever since media market was closed down, the motivation of making artwork has declined. And that people are just completely quiting making artworks altogether. Such as terley, but of course, he is quitting for a different reason, and mxm, whos seen any recent big kind of work from him? I mean, it's like you guys have just gone and said 'But I can't sell my artwork, why bother?' But the answer to this question is that it makes people happy, it gives you a feeling of happiness that you've accomplished a peice of work, it brings the community closer together and raises moral when we see astonishing artwork, it also helps you get better!! And last but not least, if someone makes a sig for another person, it makes you feel so damn good!!. But it does not have to be this way!! We can change our future before it becomes the present!!




But now you're asking 'But we've already got the gallery pixel project, and the pixel city, why do we need to think about this?' Well I'll tell you...




Think about it. The media market was probably like the third most active forum on the site(estimation) and ever since it was closed down, the post counts have stopped scaling, and the amount of artists who have either left tip.it, or making art altogether is dramatic!! Why, why does material items such as money make such an extreme impact on societies being? I know it's because the more you've got, the more you can get, and then when you have money, you can get what you want but... RuneScape is a game... A DAMN GAME!! Why does money impact so much on RUNESCAPE'S society? Huh? I jsut don't get it.. I mean why is money so important on a game... RuneScape was created not only for people to have something to do BUT FOR PEOPLE TO HAVE FUN!! And maybe also, because of JaGeX staff financial gain, but that's besides the point. This game was not meant just to make money, it was meant so you can gain your levels, journey upon quests, play mini-games, and that kind of thing...




Now, I am not and artist(Lol I just used I and Artist in the same sentence, HAH!) But I know my share about art. I love pixels the most, as they are always breathtaking. Now I have my favourites, but I generally like to rate artwork... But lately I haven't seen as many posts saying 'rate my pixel siggeh', or something along those lines in here.. Sure, they are there, just not as often.




I belive that tip.it is no doubt the best communtity site on the Internet. But it's popularity and the website itself is slowly dieing. And that makes me somewhat sad. Now I have my own forum, which you can find here, where I have thaught of many things but we're new. I believe that if this forum dies, then the chances of getting my forum successful drop INCREDIBLY. Sorry for advertising, just for an example etc. I don't want this forum let alone the site to die because of inpopularity, that wouldn't be fair. So can you guys please make that extra little bit of an effort in making threads that don't say 'm4k3 m3 phr33 p1X3l |>l0X0rszz?' And make it more like, 'Could the community try to make me a pixel sig?' And inside, post instead of '5um1 m4k3 m3 5160rzz now!!' Make it 'Could everyone contribute in making a pixel signature that I can use?'




Thanks for reading this, as I like to write stuff like this.. And if you are reading this, I know that you've read all the post up to this point so far, and that must have been boring :roll: This is a really long post, isn't it? And boring? Yes...




Well it's almost over now..




I would like to suggest more than a community pixel project, I would like to suggest a Community random script project.




What this is, is there is a site, forgot the name where you sign up, and upload files, it gives you a url and if you put the url inside image tags into your signature, everytime the page is refreshed or you post, a different signature appears from your list of images. And this one, I want it so EVERYONE on tip.it can use it!!




These are the details:




Main text: Tip.it User(or something like that)


Subtext: Keeping the spirit alive!!(well, that's a suggestion of a subheading but you can put in your own one.)


Colours: Your choise!!


Type: Sig


Kind of image: Your choise, create a pixel, abstract, grunge, tech, vector, popup, or ANYTHING YOU WANT TO PUT IN THE RANDOM SIG SCRIPT




Then add anything you want into it.




I will, yes, I will be using this script for all eternity on this site!! That means that if you created a sig in this random script, you will see your sig if I post!!




Also, Once I think it's enough sig's I'll post the url of the random script then you just do this...




Insert this into your signature via your profile...








And whalla!! You're done!!






I'd like to thank anyone who read this topic for reading the longest post in the history of tip.it(me hopes) :roll: 8) :P




Edit log:


Put in heading, date created and this edit log.  7:15 26/4/06


Add me ingame: Lnterest. I am back.

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I'd like to thank anyone who read this topic for reading the longest post in the history of tip.it(me hopes) :roll: 8) :P





what do you say?


the longest post in tipit history??? :roll:




Ive seen posts 3 times as big, but Ive got to admit, its the longest in The Gallery. :)




So to make the long story short:


You want us to make sigs, wich we will call the community random script project? and if you add a sig, and you post, we will see our own sigs in your signaturefield?




(I think Im wrong completely, I read it fast.)



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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I'd like to thank anyone who read this topic for reading the longest post in the history of tip.it(me hopes) :roll: 8) :P





what do you say?


the longest post in tipit history??? :roll:




Ive seen posts 3 times as big, but Ive got to admit, its the longest in The Gallery. :)




So to make the long story short:


You want us to make sigs, wich we will call the community random script project? and if you add a sig, and you post, we will see our own sigs in your signaturefield?




(I think Im wrong completely, I read it fast.)


I got almost the same, but I undertood that we all will use the sigs, we will not be making for him, but for us...




I might be wrong too... I'll read agin slower :P





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I'm lazy to read all, can someone just summarise (sp?) for me? lol.






Alright, I guess I took some time to read all wording by wording and kinda get what he trying to say. I mean what's the point of all this? People want a sig because they want it to be their own, in term of "name" and "quotes". By making the main text to be "Tip.It.User" or something, I doubt there will be more then what you expected to use it. I mean, people out there will rip the pixel and stamped their nick on it or whatever. I don't think it's really necessary IMO. -_-" People will rather use a sub-banner (those mini-type banner) instead of a sig itself.




And moreover, the random script have limited siggys spaces, so what are you going to do if there are more artists doing the siggys then the limited spaces in the random scripts? Are you going to create two accounts and place it in? It's like... You know. :?




Just a gentle reminder, if this "things" really go on, I suggest the creator of this thread to be more responsible and not trying to be the Pixel City's 2th thread which already gotten locked cause of the irresponsible creator.



Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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Yes, this is definately not for me, but for anyone who wishes to use. So uhh... Yeah.. Anyway, the limit to making these sigs is only like 30kb just so you know... I'm sort of in a happier mood that I was in last night.. And I'd like not to start a fight with anyone right at this point so I'll leave it at that.


Add me ingame: Lnterest. I am back.

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