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The Tip.It Graphics Team Thread!


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cadbury good work, but the girls edges are jagged where they come out of the sig. i have no idea how to fix it though, it was a pain with aussiekings banner. 4 spec never use light blue!!! it is a pain to read on the normal theme.




Thats the problem of compression.




Thats a PNG version and, as you can see, its not jagged atall.

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Ugh... Still only halfway through the month...




Stupid CS2 STILL Hasn't arrived.




Said 2-4 days delivery... It's now been a week...




Oh well. :(




Also, Cad, you're only 9 posts off 3000. :o




ooo u bought urs?




i dwnloaded off limewire then cracked it into the full version witout a time limit :S

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Newest work: ;D








Will make a desktop version some time. :)




Nice, photo shop???


Well the leaves that are fallling dont look right.... And it feals like the sun's rays should be ending before the picture does... like they are coming at too great of an angle and should be more Vertical


Know what I mean?

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Ugh... Still only halfway through the month...




Stupid CS2 STILL Hasn't arrived.




Said 2-4 days delivery... It's now been a week...




Oh well. :(




Also, Cad, you're only 9 posts off 3000. :o








You didnt buy photoshop cs2 did you....?




What did you pay?.. :(

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Ugh... Still only halfway through the month...




Stupid CS2 STILL Hasn't arrived.




Said 2-4 days delivery... It's now been a week...




Oh well. :(




Also, Cad, you're only 9 posts off 3000. :o








You didnt buy photoshop cs2 did you....?




What did you pay?.. :(




Something like ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20 ><; He PMed me to gloat.


ebay > shops.

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As promised:








Hope you like.




If you do use it, use these settings for full effect:










I've seen such picture in a tutorial site before. It look quite exactly like that thou. With the light rays, grasses and leaves.




Found it! The tutorial.







Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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Ugh... Still only halfway through the month...




Stupid CS2 STILL Hasn't arrived.




Said 2-4 days delivery... It's now been a week...




Oh well. :(




Also, Cad, you're only 9 posts off 3000. :o








You didnt buy photoshop cs2 did you....?




What did you pay?.. :(




Something like ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20 ><; He PMed me to gloat.


ebay > shops.





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I've seen such picture in a tutorial site before. It look quite exactly like that thou. With the light rays, grasses and leaves.




Indeed it was from a tut but I altered it a little. D;




I can, however, proved I made this. :)

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Nice try anyway. I was hoping to see it in blue color instead of green as it's quite 'common' for green. Probably you might wanna do something special to it. Another problem is try to lengthen the grasses into different length, it will look more natural.



Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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Nice try anyway. I was hoping to see it in blue color instead of green as it's quite 'common' for green. Probably you might wanna do something special to it. Another problem is try to lengthen the grasses into different length, it will look more natural.




A blue forest? @_@


I could make the grass longer but I think it looks pretty natural already. :? I should probably try to intergrate a tree. :)

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Ugh... Still only halfway through the month...




Stupid CS2 STILL Hasn't arrived.




Said 2-4 days delivery... It's now been a week...




Oh well. :(




Also, Cad, you're only 9 posts off 3000. :o








You didnt buy photoshop cs2 did you....?




What did you pay?.. :(




Something like ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20 ><; He PMed me to gloat.


ebay > shops.




He could've dled it, for free, cracked it, no waiting time, no delivering..




The word illegal springs to mind. ;)




And I may try an ice forest some time.

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It came today and I've been shecksing it up. :D




I'll post some poop soon.




Cad, how do you do that stroke and other text effects? My monkey can't find it. :(




I really love this thing... Only problem is changing windows between firefox and CS2, it lags when loading up.




I only payed ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20.00 to those of you who asked. Cracking is illegal... But what I'm doing is kinda too, but way less serious. :D God bless copyright loopholes. :)

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It came today and I've been shecksing it up. :D




I'll post some poop soon.




Cad, how do you do that stroke and other text effects? My monkey can't find it. :(




I really love this thing... Only problem is changing windows between firefox and CS2, it lags when loading up.




I only payed ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã20.00 to those of you who asked. Cracking is illegal... But what I'm doing is kinda too, but way less serious. :D God bless copyright loopholes. :)




Double click the layer you want to do the effects on. :P


Mine doesn't lag when switching ^_^

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Hai 2 Blk Nite Train0r!!! :D




It's ok, I figured it out before I saw your thingy... Anyway...




Here be it: No render, just brushing, colours, and text... Tres basic.




Meh, First try, quite pleased. Congratulations to the person who made the few brushes I used. ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì_ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì








EDIT: Kthxborder




Nubber edit:




2nd thingy... Renderified. :)





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New sig I have been working on. Drawing is by a kid in my grade named Tim. Unfortunately, Im [developmentally delayed]ed when you hand me a pencil. I told this kid what I wanted, and he drew it almost exactly as I had imagined it. I still need to do all the fancy stuff on the knight. (If anyone else would want to color it for me I would be most appreciative and give you credit.) I think its a really good concept though.




Just made this one for my friend. I used apophysis



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