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..::need help with mercenting::..


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ive got 300k i need to get 1.4mill what should a mercent by the way im p2p i might do yews or coal but i need to know the buying and selling price.


sorry about the rubish sig^ makeing a new might let you have my old one if your nice.

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you can merchant with 300k, but with that little it would be faster to cut or mine yourself

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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Won't work since all the autoers




Buy yews 250 ea on world 1


Coal 150 ea any f2p world fally east


Um thats about all you can do

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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Note that yew prices dropped. One could buy it 250-270 each in world 1 and sell them in the forums for 300 each but now, it costs more in world 1 than it does in the forums

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