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Power Runecrafting Question


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Aight have a question about power runecrafting....






Whats that green potion looking thing that people carry? I think its like a super energy pot? i Dunno....It was added in when I was on my break from rune :P


99 Attack - 99 Strength - 99 Hits - 99 Magic - 99 Smithing

First To get 99 Smithing With GoldSmithing Guants


Zx7r Ninja (Currently Training) Updated 2/14/09: Ags Achieved on 2/15/09

75/75 Attack 89/99 Strength 50/50 Def 78/85 Hits

***Owned a Bandos Godsword since 59 Combat***

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and it does....? lol


99 Attack - 99 Strength - 99 Hits - 99 Magic - 99 Smithing

First To get 99 Smithing With GoldSmithing Guants


Zx7r Ninja (Currently Training) Updated 2/14/09: Ags Achieved on 2/15/09

75/75 Attack 89/99 Strength 50/50 Def 78/85 Hits

***Owned a Bandos Godsword since 59 Combat***

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if your talking about the kinda bottlenose neck vial with green liquid, its ectophial, it teleports you to the ectofuntus in port phasmatys, its very nice since its one click and takes one inventory spot for a tele.

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ooo So if im Abyass RC'n , I wouldnt need that. Thanks


99 Attack - 99 Strength - 99 Hits - 99 Magic - 99 Smithing

First To get 99 Smithing With GoldSmithing Guants


Zx7r Ninja (Currently Training) Updated 2/14/09: Ags Achieved on 2/15/09

75/75 Attack 89/99 Strength 50/50 Def 78/85 Hits

***Owned a Bandos Godsword since 59 Combat***

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ooo So if im Abyass RC'n , I wouldnt need that. Thanks




Actually you might. It's a handy one click tele out of danger from pkers for abyss crafters, I always take one.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Both a glory and an ectophial are used. A glory is used to get back to edgeville, but it requires two clicks (one for a menu, another to choose the location) and the menu disappears when you're attacked, so it is very hard to teleport away when an abyss pk'er attacks. An ectophial, on the other hand, will teleport you just by clicking it once. You then used the glory amulet to teleport back to edgeville from the ectofuntus.




Plus, some abyss pk'ers use teleblock, and you need to be quick to teleport in that short time frame between the time you hear the spell and the time it hits you.

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