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Monkey madness help please post


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i died when i fought demon how do i get sigli back i asked sergent and he doesnt have one i have to see some waymottiin or something to make another one?




should i range or melee




range 52






attk 60


str 60


def 60




i want to do range so that he will only mage me and not chase me around






will he chase me or change attack i block the one type of attack like the shadow of the storm demon that shifts from melee to mage if you block one type of attack?



only 2 skills below level 50 :)

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i cant help you with geting another sigil, but i can help you for the fighting. the best thing to do is wear the best ranging armour you can, get the best bow you can, and get the best arrows you can. bring sharks, and you might want to check if you can, but bring prayer pots to pray (not sure if you can pray)

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attack 60


strength 60


defence 60


prayer 43


range 52


mage 58




what is recomonded?




please ansewer above question also



only 2 skills below level 50 :)

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like i said, range it. he shoots magic or hits insanely high if you try to mele him. range is the only way. (only easy way). and like i said before, full inv of sharks, best arrows, best bow, best dragonhide armour, and tele runes just incase. (no ringe or necklaces, you need the auctual runes, or else he will just keep canceling your teleport options on the ring or necklace)

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but if i meled him and blocked his melee would he just use his magic?


this is why i wanted to know if he would chase me if i maged him...


if i ranged him would he stand and shoot water blasts at me or would he run and start slashing?




like the demon from shadow of the storm?




i have mage bow and rune arrows with blue drag hide stuff



only 2 skills below level 50 :)

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ok, if you have blue dhide, mage bow, and rune arrows, use those. if you range him, he will mage you, which will splash off of you (most of the time). he uses spells up to fire wave, so he might hit high a few times. just make sure you have sharks or better and tele runes.

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I suggest you go to our main site and look at the quest guides. What requirements you need and hints&tips how to beat it will be mentioned there.


- "I am willing to die...I mean try" - Jewelfire (Want to go bossing?)
-"we tried, we cried and we died!" - Limparse (What happens to old farts and tarts on monster-hunts)
- "...and we found out that there are as many ways to get to warriors guild
...as there are elders trying to get there" - Lysi
*snods agely* sorry... *nods sagely* - Brammy

-"Equality is being treated the SAME as everyone else;

not having special treatment and unique things added in to everything." - Sy_Accursed

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