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FcdeRakt Layout - Redone


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Another redo of the layout I'm making for my football(soccer)club..




I think this is the one we are going to use, and I rather like it.


Went for a compact and slick look.










For some more of my stuff I've been doing lately, check out:




Mainly photographs/logo's and a few sigs stacked together.

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Wow great work especially if you made the artwork of the footballs and stuff, but yeah woop is right about the font's they are a bit bland, especially on the top (banner?) and the one in the middle (black on white)


great work though :) .

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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The black on white text is just the website's text.. I'm not going to use some odd font for that, mainly because alot of computers wouldn't have it..






The fonts in the layout are sort of stylistic choices I suppose. I like simple, neat, general fonts. I don't think fancy fonts, or any special fonts would really fit here.


But thanks for the comments, I can see where they are coming from..




And yes, I made all of it, including the football etc.

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