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Your 1st runescape death


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the first time I ever played, level 3, I just started walking around, walking north. I came to the wild and thought, what the heck, i've got nothing to lose.




I banked my meager possessions and walked into the wild. it was creepy and cool, first time on RS and all.




The skellies got me pretty quick




That was way back when -- a lot less pkers then

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I was lvl 12 and I usually hung around by the Goblins. Well, my friend Zeekyhbomb told me to come to varrock and he'd give me full iron. So when I was walking there I attacked a bear and died. That was 2 yrs. ago and I lost like 100gp and my full bronze. But I got full iron from Zeeky :)


I <3 Gears of War 2.


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Level three, attacked a goblin, died, and remade my character. Sad, huh?

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My first death was my first day of rs on one of my old account started during christmas week 2004, and i started walking north and my brightness was at dark and couldn't really see anything so i got killed in the wilderness by a rat.



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i cant remember my first rs death it was prob me running about lvl 3 in wildy with nothing on lol, but there is on i do remember, i was about lvl 70 training at necromancer on rsc, full rune with kite,and white phat, i needed to go to lumby so i asked some1 to duel me for a free ticket, i foolishly forgot to turn on no retreat so i took of all my armour and weapon and began duel, the guy got me 1 hp and then retreated and then a zombie spawned and killed me. lost white phat and most full rune :x






hahah ahwel, the gd ole days

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