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One of the sacrifices to being a "skiller" is not being able to get around as swiftly as those who train all of their skills. Not to be rude or anything, but nobody put a gun to your head and said "stay level 3 forever, or Ill shoot".




:? I say no. Theres already too many level 3 skillers as it is.

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i don't get it






whats lv 3 skillers?






some people who prefer to spend their time making a level 3 player none combat and just training his none-combat skilles, personally i dont see the point.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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i don't get it






whats lv 3 skillers?






some people who prefer to spend their time making a level 3 player none combat and just training his none-combat skilles, personally i dont see the point.




yeha i agree, and this idea..hmm i think its ok cuz sometimes i dun like walkin places. SOMETIMES :roll:

\:D/ Ray::P2P::::Roaming Around::::Phat me pl0x?::::Beamster:: \:D/


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hmm kinda intesresting never knew so many people had such a distaste for skillers.. :?




Its not really so much distaste as just being tired of the idea. Its been done so many times that its hardly an accomplishment anymore. Plus its not plausible to add a new set of spells, skills, items, whatever because you chose to stay level 3.

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hmm kinda intesresting never knew so many people had such a distaste for skillers.. :?




Its not really so much distaste as just being tired of the idea. Its been done so many times that its hardly an accomplishment anymore.




Funny that, I only know 1 person with 99 smithing at lvl 3 combat...






As is said though, its a sacrifice you make by staying lvl 3. F2P are not going to get any more ways to get around other than the 3 teleport spells.




only takes about 1-3 days to get 45 magic




He's not gonna train magic though is he.




Anyway, it just goes to show how much of an achievement it is to get where you are. Non skill related teleports would be nice, just it won't happen.


89/99 farming

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Well, generally only strong and powerful adventurers can lay their hands on mystical artifacts including teleporters, so I don't think that would happen soon in free worlds.




And people make skillers sometimes for a reason: so people can't attack them at the rune mines.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Its not plausible to add a new set of spells, skills, items, whatever because you chose to stay level 3.


Afraid this is faulty reasoning. Choosing to stay level 3 has nothing to do with Jagex's ability to introduce new ways to teleport... they already have in p2p just not f2p.




To clarify things: I am a level 3 pure aka "skiller". I do not wish to gain combat levels. I am aware that I choose to stay level 3. I am aware that skillers are common.





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Well, this is like saying I want to mine runite, but I don't want to get any mining levels.




Help yourself.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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learn to live with it, apart from graphical updates f2p doesnt get any, and it was your choice, if you want to be avle to teleport get your magic up






i think this is a bit like those pures that want to do quests, but they say they cant since they will gain defence experience, losing their pure status

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