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New Ghostspeak Ammy and...other stuff?


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I think it was a part of today's update.




It now looks like a skull instead of an orange Jolly Rancher. Makes sense.




Did anyone notice any other subtle changes to anything else in the game? Sometimes these hidden updates aren't so obvious

We don't rebel to sell it just suits us well, we're the bright young things.

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Sometimes these hidden updates aren't so obvious




Lol, sry I just had to laugh a bit.




But anyway I havent really noticed anything hidden, but those new randoms sounds fun. What would happen if a random was a hidden update :shock: ? That would certainly be interesting.


Goals: 80/80 Range, 75/90 Strength, 77/85 Attack, 64/76 Fishing and crafting 31k natures (o.O)

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When going to and from Karamja and Port Sarim, right-click on the Customs Officer or Seaman or Captain Tobias. You can just pay 30 gp's instead of talking with them first. Also, when leaving Karamja, you may no longer be searched.

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When I went to the Falador hairdresser I noticed a big treadmill with a hampster powering it, lol. Not sure if its new but I just noticed it.




I think that has been around a while....

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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When I went to the Falador hairdresser I noticed a big treadmill with a hampster powering it, lol. Not sure if its new but I just noticed it.




I think that has been around a while....




really? i'll have to go there next time i'm in falador to check it out =)




they also removed a tree off the island (karamja for f2p) or so i'm told


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When going to and from Karamja and Port Sarim, right-click on the Customs Officer or Seaman or Captain Tobias. You can just pay 30 gp's instead of talking with them first. Also, when leaving Karamja, you may no longer be searched.


Unless you're a member using the Ring of Charos (u) to mooch a free ride.




I right-clicked Capty Barn and it took me a loooooong time to realize that something was different.




Sometimes these hidden updates aren't so obvious
Lol, sry I just had to laugh a bit


I'm an idiot savant I guess (only way to explain good marks in Physics o.O). That's a gem I'll treasure for a while :lol: Thanks for pointing that out.

We don't rebel to sell it just suits us well, we're the bright young things.

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When going to and from Karamja and Port Sarim, right-click on the Customs Officer or Seaman or Captain Tobias. You can just pay 30 gp's instead of talking with them first. Also, when leaving Karamja, you may no longer be searched.
Now there is only 1 tree able to be cut on Karmaja, instead of 3.
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