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Programing languages


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Where can I find a source on the advantages of difrent languages?




With nearly every programing language I hear people arguing for and against using the same mesurements of performance.






Java - too slow and dieing, as fast as C++ and growing strong


C++ - useless, useful


Javascript(Livescript) and VB - noob language or something to the effect


Python - slow, not sure why but this language gets LOTS of support

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In my opinion, there are always people arguing over which languages are best, there is a rarely a consensus agreed.




It really depends on what you want to do, the examples you gave are quite varied. If you have a specific goal in mind, tell us and we might be able to give you advice.




I would also sugggest (if you havent already) read the 'Programming, it flat out baffles me' thread on this board, BTTF_Man outlines some good points.

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I personally have never tried python or javascript, but i want to soon. I make all my programs in visual basic because its eaiser to use then many other programs


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Here are some links that have been handy for me




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison ... _languages




http://merd.sourceforge.net/pixel/langu ... -language/ <-- comparison as related to scripting tasks


In general interpreted languages are slower once executed, but you have no need to compile them like with VB


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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