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I think it heals random.A Normal kebab would heal 6-7 I think.


If its a bad kebab it will reduce your hp by 2-3?not sure.


Sometimes it will say that kebab didnt seem to do much,meaning it will heal nothing,lol.


Then theres a good kebab healing 10 or so.


Then the last makes you feel invigorated healing about 15 i think and raising your str temporarily by +1 or so.




So in short it heals Randomly.




Note:I maybe way off in explaining this. :oops:


Thanks to WithTheQuickness for the sig!

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did you mean regular kebabs you get from the drunken dwarf and at stalls? of Ugthaki kebabs you make from the cooking skill. according to cooking guide ugthaki kebabs heal 19.




cook heal


lvl xp


Ugthanki Kebab 58 80 19




from cooking guide

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